The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Killer whale population at serious risk


The number of killer whales could be halved in a few decades due to pollutants in the seas, according to new research.

Steps to ban chemicals – known as polychlori­nated biphenyls (PCBS) – were first made 40 years ago, but they remain a deadly threat to the mammals at the top of the food chain.

A new study, involving researcher­s at the University of St Andrews, shows that current concentrat­ions could severely deplete population­s of killer whales in the most heavily contaminat­ed areas within 30 to 50 years.

Professor Ailsa Hall, director of the Sea Mammal Research Unit, said: “In these contaminat­ed areas, we rarely observe newborn killer whales.” Orcas are among the mammals with the highest level of PCBS in their blubber, with values as high as 1,300 milligrams per kilogram.

Animals with levels as low as 50mg per kg can show signs of infertilit­y and immunity problems. Researcher­s from St Andrews and Aarhus University in Denmark found the number of killer whales could rapidly decline in 10 of their 19 population­s.

They are particular­ly threatened in heavily contaminat­ed areas near Brazil, the Strait of Gibraltar and the west coast of the UK.

The east coast of Greenland is also affected due to high consumptio­n of seals who consumer PCBS.

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