The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Bravery, loss and tattoos


Women reveal why they went under the needle later in life

Art that means so much:

I was scared somebody would see my scar. My flowers changed that

Liz Howley, 77,


When retired deputy head teacher Liz sat in the studio chair to get her first tattoo, it marked a landmark moment in her life. Having recovered from breast cancer and subsequent mastectomy surgery, the 77-year-old was low in body confidence, and wanted to find a way to embrace her scars.

“I was first diagnosed in late 2004 after a routine breast screening. I had no idea at all – I had none of the usual signs, such as lumps and bumps, and it was a great shock,” explained Liz, who fundraises for Breast Cancer Care.

“I felt awful after I had the surgery. I didn’t want to talk about it and I didn’t want anybody to see me. It was demoralisi­ng, really. “I struggled because I didn’t want to get dressed or undressed even in front of my husband. I couldn’t bear looking at myself in the mirror when I was getting showered or dressed.

“Then one night we were watching a show called Miami Ink. There was a young woman who wanted to covered up some scars she had on her stomach, and I thought, ‘Oh I could do that, too.’

“I asked the doctor if it would do any harm, and he said absolutely not. So that sealed the deal.”

Five years after her surgery and just before her 70th birthday, Liz had a row of cherry blossoms tattooed onto her mastectomy scar – and she loved the experience so much, she went back two more times.

Next came vine leaves that travelled under her scar and around to her back, and a few months later butterflie­s joined the design. To help calm her nerves and provide moral support, Liz’s husband John, also 77, decided to get his own tattoo at the same time.

Liz’s flowers represent a new beginning, and she admits the tattoo has helped her to feel better about her body.

“It was something I wanted to do for myself. I used to wear clothes that went right up to my neck and I was scared someone would see my scar.

“But I feel good if a little butterfly wing pokes out now.”

She added: “It’s amazing how many times people have come to ask me about my tattoo. Nowadays there are a lot of people with bigger and more ornate mastectomy tattoos, but I hadn’t heard of anyone else when I first got mine. It was quite unusual.”

For care, support and informatio­n visit breastcanc­

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Liz’s tattoo has let her embrace her scars

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