The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Whenthehom­eofthe maybewesho­uldchill


Ifourcurre­ntcoldsnap is making you shiver and the very thought of a no-deal Brexit has left you chilled to the bone, then think yourself lucky – you could be living in America.

Quite apart from the fact that they have a completely unhinged President in Donald Trump, temperatur­es in some areas have plummeted to an incredible -50°C. Yes, minus 50.

In scenes reminiscen­t of the disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow, a polar vortex swept across the Midwest and brought a dozen states to a standstill.

More than 250 million people were severely affected as the deadly Arctic blast took an icy grip of the country, bringing it to its knees in way a suntanned Trump hasn’t managed (so far).

Chicago, Home of the Blues, has become the home of those turning blue as wind-chill temperatur­es dropped to a thermostat-cracking -70°C. Gas burners were even put on some rail lines to stop the points freezing.

Warnings were issued to all residents to stay indoors, and not even think about going out, as a mere five minutes’ exposure in these brutal conditions could prove fatal.

But how would the UK cope if we were suddenly hit with a similar polar vortex?

Not well, that’s for sure, as was proved last year when the Beast from the East blew in.

The big freeze in the US reminds me of the first time my wife and I visited the country, to check out New York’s January sales.

It made sense as the exchange rate then gave you an incredible $4 for your pound. There were

Picture no luggage or seat charges, zero security delays and you could also smoke on the plane. Happy days!

We bought a VHS video recorder which came with thousands of air mile tokens.

So that should tell you how long ago it was: 25 years, to be exact.

We didn’t check the weather before we left and arrived during a snow storm and temperatur­es of -30C, dressed in casual summer wear.

I have never been so cold and we were both soon screaming in

 ??  ?? Chicago seen from the skies as Lake Michigan turns to ice last weekJim Funk/ Cover Images
Chicago seen from the skies as Lake Michigan turns to ice last weekJim Funk/ Cover Images

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