The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Win comes at a price for the injury-hit Dons

- By Sean Hamilton

Aberdeen stuck with what they had in January, while Hibs twisted. But the Dons played their hand perfectly at Easter Road to bust their hosts’ flush. Andy Considine and Gary Mackaystev­en struck in a Reds-dominated first half to render Oli Shaw’s snap opener worthless.

Yet they paid a price for their win that could prove costly against Rangers on Wednesday night.

Star stopper Joe Lewis and top scorer Sam Cosgrove both left the field injured before half-time.

But with second place on the line, the pair will be given every chance to retain their starting jerseys.

Hibs and the Dons’ respective buildups to this game were at polar opposite ends of the spectrum.

For the home side, still dealing with the fallout from Neil Lennon’s strange departure, it was shot through with upheaval. For the visitors, stability was the order of the day.

Still, if the hums and haws of a section of Dons fans are to be given credence, there comes a point where stability can start to look like stagnation.

Derek Mcinnes, with all those second place Premiershi­p finishes behind him – and his team poised near the top again – must find his perception problem perplexing.

Still, the strong showing his side turned in offered plenty of comfort.

True, Hibs burst out of the traps and claimed an early lead through Oli Shaw.

But in the aftermath the Reds were largely on top.

Shaw’s ninth minute strike – a terrific, 25-yarder into Joe Lewis’ bottom right corner – was a product of a lack of pressure on the ball from the Dons. It wasn’t a mistake they repeated. Shocked into life, Aberdeen drew level when Andy Considine nodded home from a stramash that saw a Sam Cosgrove effort saved by Ofir Marciano, then a header cleared off the line.

Heart taken, the Dons claimed the lead their play deserved 12 minutes later in similarly convoluted fashion.

Gary Mackay-steven was the man on the spot, following up a Stevie May follow-up of a James Wilson long-ranger that Marciano failed to hold.

Hibs were set up to dominate the middle of the park, but they couldn’t get a grip as Aberdeen bossed possession.

Yet up top, Florian Kamberi was a driving, battling, inspiring presence.

His persistenc­e won Hibs a golden chance to equalise before the break when he won a free kick after a wrestling match with Considine.

Stevie Mallan stepped up and shaved the post with a curling effort – but so did the diving Lewis, who was forced off with a nasty gash to his head after colliding with his own woodwork.

With Tomas Cerny on for his first appearance, the Dons almost made the game safe just after the re-start when Lewis Ferguson was bundled over in the box by David Gray. Mackay-steven stepped up to take the penalty, but was denied by Marciano, who saved well, low to his left.

To their credit, Hibs came to life as the second half matured.

They had the ball in the net through Shaw just before the hour, but the assistant referee’s flag denied them.

Cerny got in on the act 10 minutes later, saving magnificen­tly from Paul Hanlon’s close range header.

The control Aberdeen enjoyed in the first half had been worn away – but they had their chances as Hibs chased an equaliser. Graeme Shinnie was blocked by Lewis Stevenson after being played in by Greg Stewart, then James Wilson was denied by Marciano. Wilson should have done better at the death when the Dons broke and Stewart sent him clean through. His effort fizzed wide, but the Dons, strong and stable, held firm to claim the points.

 ??  ?? Aberdeen’s Andy Considine scores to make it 1-1 at Easter Road
Aberdeen’s Andy Considine scores to make it 1-1 at Easter Road
 ??  ?? Aberdeen keeper Joe Lewis slumps to his knees after suffering the head injury which frced him off
Aberdeen keeper Joe Lewis slumps to his knees after suffering the head injury which frced him off

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