The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Martin’s had a lava old time of it


MARTIN CLUNES has made no secret of his love of island life.

The Doc Martin star has visited some of the most remote places on the planet, from navigating the islands of Britain, to an epic journey around Australia’s coast.

Next on his list – America. “It seemed a natural progressio­n from Australia,” he says of his decision to explore some of the thousands of islands which also fly the Stars And Stripes.

“But I’d no idea it was going to be as fabulous as it was,” he admits. “Everyone has an image of America – a land of big shops, bright lights and asphalt highways stretching across the continent,” he muses. “But there is another America.

“I saw nature at her most spectacula­r, encountere­d the animals, and met people who live in their own sea-bound worlds,” he smiles.

“Each island has its own identity and its own unique story.”

First up on Martin’s itinerary were the lush, tropical climes of Hawaii. But he arrived just as one of the most devastatin­g eruptions in Hawaii’s history was happening. Lava from Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, destroyed homes and sent residents fleeing in its wake.

“We were all ready to go and then the eruption happened, and it continued while we were there,” he shares. “I proposed to Philippa (Braithwait­e, his TV producer wife) in Hawaii 23 years ago,” he continues. “We flew over Kilauea in a helicopter, and you could see cracks and lava and a plume of gas. But this time, these fissures were erupting left, right and centre.”

“It was extraordin­ary! “When you see it from above, it’s wild, incredible and impressive. “It’s just bizarre.” Martin Clunes: Islands Of America, ITV, Tue, 9pm.

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