The Sunday Post (Inverness)

The Doc Replies

Our expert answers your medical questions


I have cubital tunnel syndrome. What is it?

Most people have heard of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is what we call a nerve entrapment syndrome. A nerve passing through the wrist becomes irritated and starts to cause pain in the hand.

This is the most common nerve entrapment – but the next most common is cubital tunnel syndrome. It’s quite similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, but the problem originates further back up the arm, in the ulnar nerve.

You can feel this nerve at the outside of the elbow. Give it a jolt and it provides a peculiar electric shock-like feeling, which is where it gets the “funny bone” nickname. The nerve becomes compressed in the elbow area for a variety of reasons, such as an old fracture or arthritis.

It can be something simple, like overuse.

Swinging a hammer might do it. Conversely, office workers can also develop it due to leaning on their elbow.

Resting the area tends to help, but a splint and sometimes surgery may be needed.

I have to go to the bathroom three times per night. The GP says it’s not my prostate. Do you have any ideas?

This is not an uncommon symptom and often people notice that as they get older they tend to have to get up to the bathroom overnight.

I would try reducing your fluid intake in the evening especially caffeine or alcohol.

I suffer from restless legs. As soon as I get into bed I can’t keep them still. What causes this?

This is quite a common condition and probably around 1 in 10 people will suffer from this at one stage in their life.

In most cases the cause is unknown but there is an associatio­n with iron deficiency anaemia so it may be worth getting this checked out.

It is also more common in pregnant women towards the end of their pregnancy and usually disappears after the baby is born. It is important to follow a regular bedtime routine, avoiding alcohol and caffeine late at night.

The Doc Replies

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