The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Life according to...

What the celebs are talking about this week


Comedian and dog-lover Paul O’grady

“She came so quickly we didn’t have a chance to get to the hospital and was born in our bathroom. She’s perfect. Pasha and I are in newborn bliss.”

TV star Rachel Riley on giving birth to her daughter, Maven, after going two weeks past her due date. That’s one countdown she probably didn’t enjoy.

“I haven’t had a girlfriend at Christmas for four years. It’s been a bit lonely. So this year is going to be great.”

Singer Olly Murs is pleased as punch to be spending the festive season with his new girlfriend. Just one more present to buy though, isn’t it, Olly?

“I do remember a parents evening and saying, ‘You can’t go around writing ‘da’ instead of ‘the’ – you won’t be able to write like that in real life’. It’s me laughing on the other side of my face now!”

Stormzy’s primary school teacher, Miss Wheeler, admitted she didn’t see the rap star’s future success. See, Mum, our report cards were probably wrong, too!

“It was the most incredible experience and to be crowned the champion was the absolute icing on the cake.” Strictly 2019 winner Kelvin Fletcher on lifting the Glitterbal­l Trophy. We can’t wait for the Christmas Special on Wednesday!

“Critics really killed me for it because it wasn’t rock and roll. I did take a lot of stick. It’s like I was wearing a pink toilet seat around my head. But now people love it.”

Sir Rod Stewart has been reminiscin­g about the heavy backlash he received over his disco hit Do Ya Think I’m Sexy? Just shows how much the critics know, eh, Rod?

“I’m not sure Bond could be a ginger!” Outlander star Sam Heughan has ruled himself out as being the next 007 but says the next James Bond should be played by a Scot. We couldn’t agree more!

“I love me some mince pies and all the trimmings, and always find I gain a bit of weight during this time. Look in that mirror and shower that reflection with Christmas kindness. Let’s love our fluctuatin­g bodies.”

Singer Sam Smith says we should worry less about our expanding waistlines over the holidays. Excellent advice, Sam, now pass the mince pies!

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