The Sunday Post (Inverness)

“How at age 63, I had the prostate of a very young man!”

Here is Damien’s moving story. For the past five years, the suffering and discomfort linked to his prostate had only been increasing: it had become hell for him. At night... he would have to go to the toilet up to 6 times without really being able to reli


Goodbyetot­hosepressi­ngfeelings­and need to urinate. Now, I go out with my friends and do what I want... freely.

Isuffered in silence for a long time. Only men who are in the same situation as I can understand the physical and mental suffering caused by prostate troubles.

Consider that I would have to get out of bed up to 6 times a night and most of the time for nothing. My wife couldn’t do it anymore because, of course, every time I got out of bed, I woke her up.

Sexually, it was a nightmare, if I may say so. I could not manage satisfacto­ry erections. I didn’t dare drive, go out with friends or go to the cinema. I was stuck living in hell.

After trying several more or less natural remedies, I thought there was only one solution left for me: surgery! It terrified me because I dreaded the possible complicati­ons and the long recovery period.

Everything changed thanks to my wife. Without telling me, for some time she had been researchin­g to find me a natural solution rather than spending it on pool.

One morning, she returned with a file that would change my life as a man.

It was the wife of a doctor who she met in Geneva that gave her this file about pomegranat­e polyphenol serum helping to overcome prostate problems.

The prostate was compared to an oxidized fruit which, like an apple, swells under the effect of this disorder. The tests showed that by giving the prostate a large number of antioxidan­ts, it allows it to return to its normal size. This is where the “Prostaphen­ol” Serum comes in, a concentrat­e made of antioxidan­ts and anti-inflammato­ries targeting the malfunctio­n of the prostate.

The facts were precise and detailed, the results quantified and proven. The pomegranat­e polyphenol Serum seemed to be the ultimate natural remedy for fighting against the ravages of prostate hypertroph­y. There was evidence to support it; I read the testimonie­s of men who, like me, had suffered in silence for too long.

All had experience­d the relief of normal urination with a powerful and free flow, a normal frequency, peaceful nights and erections that met their partner’s expectatio­ns.

I then told myself that if this remedy worked on so many men, it could also bring a lasting solution to my prostate problems. So, I decided to try this famous serum for myself.

After two weeks it was already much better. In six weeks, my prostate was back to normal.

My life has changed.

It’s been four months now since I have felt a very clear difference when I go to urinate. I now have an excellent flow that really empties my bladder. I no longer get up in the night and I have a peaceful sleep. My wife too... and both of us have regained our long-forgotten sex life. I now have firm and powerful erections.

I can go out again and see friends without being worried like before. I found confidence in myself again. In short, I could live again.

I went to see my doctor again yesterday afternoon. He could not believe his eyes: my prostate had shrunk and returned to its normal size. “At 63 years old, you now have the prostate of a 30-year-old”, he told me. The funniest thing was that he asked me for the Elite Trade address himself. To all men suffering with their prostate, I would like to say their suffering is no longer fatal and that they should try this surprising Serum.

Personally, If I had known such a treatment existed sooner, I think I would have given several years of my life to take it immediatel­y!”

 ??  ?? My wife, Anne, and I, are once again very much in love with one another. Tothepoint­thatwenolo­ngerwatch television on an evening. Now we have better things to do together in bed!
My wife, Anne, and I, are once again very much in love with one another. Tothepoint­thatwenolo­ngerwatch television on an evening. Now we have better things to do together in bed!
 ??  ??

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