The Sunday Post (Inverness)

The Doc Replies

Our expert answers your medical questions


My urine is cloudy, and I have to pee a lot. I’m 74. My daughter thinks I may have an infection. She wants me to go to the doctor but I had this a couple of weeks ago and it went away. Can I just leave it?

I suspect you may have cystitis which is inflammati­on of the bladder and very common. Women are much more likely to experience it - half of women will have cystitis at least once in their lives. A doctor would look for an underlying cause in men, but this is not necessary with women, unless they have it a lot. Pregnancy makes the incidence of cystitis more likely, as does sexual activity, menopause, diabetes, and abnormalit­ies in the anatomy of the urinary tract. Suppressio­n of the immune system can also play a part.

Classic symptoms are having to go to the toilet often and more urgently. Sufferers may pass small amounts of urine, which might give a burning sensation, and may also have the sensation of still needing to pass water. There might be blood in the urine and discomfort around the bladder area accompanie­d by a general feeling of malaise.

Mild cystitis does not always need treatment as it can pass by itself. The next step is to see a pharmacist, who may give a short course of antibiotic­s in straightfo­rward cases. If the pharmacist cannot help, your GP can also prescribe antibiotic­s.

I am bothered with hayfever and the symptoms are getting worse. How do I stay on top of it?

Hayfever is caused by an allergy to pollen. Classic symptoms are a runny, itchy, blocked nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes. Treatments are antihistam­ines, steroid nasal sprays and eye drops. Sometimes all three are used depending on what the symptoms are. Try to avoid coming into contact with pollen. So stay indoors if you can when the pollen count is high and close your windows. Wash your clothes and shower. When the pollen is high do not put your washing on the line.

Can eggs make you constipate­d?

This is a bit of an old wives’ tale. However, eggs are a low fibre food so if you are eating a lot of them and not much else then yes.

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