The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Potting Shed


Welcome to my potting shed! This is the column where I’ll share all my gardening hints and tips – and I’ll try to answer any queries you may have

I was out for a country walk and came on a lovely bush with yellow flowers and shiny red berries. Can you tell me what you think it is as I would love to get one. – Margaret Stewart, by email

This sounds like Hypericum androsaemu­m, a form of St John’s Wort that is very easy to grow in most gardens.

How do I improve a deciduous azalea that is looking a bit sparse. – Jim Walters, Johnstone

Dig a new planting hole and place the azalea so that the point where the stem joins the roots is several centimetre­s beneath the soil. This can prompt it into sprouting from undergroun­d level.

I didn’t cut back my box hedge earlier in the year. Can I do it now? – Linda Halliday, Gartcosh

It’s not too late but try to do it during a dry spell as that will make your hedge less susceptibl­e to box blight.

I’ve seen pots in a garden near my house that are filled with plants that look a bit like pineapple flowers. What are they and are they easy to grow? – Cara Docherty, Ballloch

These are eucomis, a very attractive group of summer-flowering bulbs.

Tulips are coming into the garden centres, so should I plant them now? – Dorothy Ross, Elgin

If possible hold off until November, when the bulbs will have less risk of picking up disease. In the meantime store them somewhere cold, dark and dry.

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