The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Real-life issues and medical advice

Thyroid imbalance affects one in 20 people


Thyroid disease is a common ailment in the UK, with a study commission­ed by the Scottish Parliament finding that between 2018/19 levothyrox­ine sodium, a drug that treats an underactiv­e thyroid, was the third most prescribed drug in Scotland. Another study by the Office of National Statistics found it was the second highest prescribed drug in England during the same period.

One in 20 people in the UK have a thyroid condition, but despite this a lot of us do not understand what the thyroid is or what it does.

It is estimated that a significan­t number of people struggle with an undiagnose­d thyroid condition because the symptoms are not distinctiv­e and can often be confused with other illnesses.

“The thyroid is a butterflys­haped gland in your neck that produces hormones that primarily control your metabolism,” explained Lorraine Williams, director of The Thyroid Trust.“if your thyroid is not producing enough hormones, that’s hypothyroi­dism or an underactiv­e thyroid. It slows you down, including your can gain weight, feel very cold, have dry skin and your hair can begin to fall out. It can make you feel very low, and cause depression.

On the flip side of that is an overactive thyroid.this is when your thyroid produces too many thyroid hormones, and instead of making you feel slow or lethargic, it makes you feel very anxious and can lose a lot of weight, and feel very hot and sweaty. In very extreme cases it can even lead to psychosis. An overactive thyroid is also associated with thyroid eye disease (TED), which causes the eye tissues to become inflamed and make the eyes look protuberan­t. I know someone who said she lost lots of friends because they thought she was staring very aggressive­ly at them as a result of TED. Complicati­ons from thyroid disease can really take a toll,” said Williams.

Thyroid disease is usually a result of autoimmune diseases and frequently runs in families. It is rarely a result of lifestyle choices, although a lack of iodine (which can be found in foods like seaweed, fish and dairy) can lead to an underactiv­e thyroid. On the other hand, too much iodine consumptio­n can trigger an overactive thyroid response, but this is relatively rare.

Left untreated, thyroid disease can cause great strain on the heart and bones, and can cause complicati­ons in pregnancie­s. It is important that if you are exhibiting symptoms of thyroid disease to speak to your GP and ask for a test.your doctor will do a blood test and check the levels of thyroid stimulatin­g hormones (TSH) in your blood. If it is very high, it signals that your body needs more thyroid hormones and that you have underactiv­e thyroid. If there is hardly any or even no TSH, it indicates that your thyroid is working too hard and that you have an overactive thyroid.

In instances of underactiv­e thyroids, medication is given to increase the amount of thyroid hormones in the body, while those with overactive thyroids are given medication to suppress and regulate the amount of thyroid hormones that are being pumped out.

New guidelines by the National Institute For Health And Care (NICE) recommend that instead of building up dosage over a long period of time, it should now be calculated depending on the patient’s body weight.this has been welcomed by groups such as The Thyroid Trust as a step forward, allowing patients to feel better much faster than ever before.

“I have an underactiv­e thyroid and once I started medication it took a long time to build up to a dosage that allowed me to feel better.with these new NICE guidelines, I would have started out on the dosage that I ended up on after months of increasing my medication bit by bit. It’s great news,” said Williams.

Williams suggests anyone who has found managing their thyroid disease difficult to join a support group and meet other people who have faced similar challenges too.

“We are often told how valuable it is to swap notes with other people with thyroid disease and that it allows them to feel less alone with their symptoms. It gives people a lot of hope.”

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