The Sunday Post (Inverness)

When Jeremy called, inviting me out for coffee, I thought something must be wrong, or that he must have some weighty matter to discuss.


Anyway, I went and we had a good time, but nothing serious was mentioned. Thinking he might need help raising the real subject, I asked what had been on his mind.

“Oh, nothing,” he said, a little surprised. “I just thought that after two years of lockdowns and isolations and of seeing almost no one, it might be time to start re-establishi­ng friendship­s. I hope that doesn’t sound too cold.”

Not at all. In fact, it sounded like a thing a good friend would do. And I wished I’d thought of it first!

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the American philosophe­r, would have understood. It was he who wrote, “A man should keep his friendship­s in constant repair.”

Now... is there anyone you haven’t seen for a while?

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