The Sunday Post (Inverness)

The Doc Replies

Our expert answers your medical questions


What are the risk factors for developing osteoporos­is? Osteoporos­is is a condition that is common in older people and affects bone strength, causing the bones to become less dense and more prone to fractures.

Oestrogen protects against bone loss and so women are more prone to osteoporos­is as they age. As a result, early menopause can be a risk factor, as can long-term steroid use, smoking and high alcohol intake.

Lack of vitamin D and calcium in the diet can be a risk factor too. Regular weight-bearing exercise is helpful for prevention, the more vigorous the better. As most of our vitamin D comes from the action of the sun on the skin, most people in Scotland should take vitamin D supplement­s in the winter.

There are several treatments available for osteoporos­is and it is also important to reduce the risk of falls. Check for hazards around the home, ensure that your hearing and vision are okay and avoid going out on an icy day when you may slip.

Contrary to popular belief, osteoporos­is does not cause pain in itself but only makes the bones more prone to fracture.

I am dreading the winter and early nights. Do I have SAD?

SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder and is a type of depression that occurs in a seasonal pattern. Mostly it happens to people during the winter but it can happen to a few during the summer months.

We do not know what causes it but it seems to be due to lack of sunlight, so it is important to get as much natural sunlight as possible in the winter and to do regular exercise outside.

Special light boxes can help, and starting antidepres­sants in the autumn months can help prepare you for winter.

How do I reduce the risk of brain shrinkage?

Exercise is one of the most effective ways. This should be at a moderate to high level - activities like walking, dancing, swimming or gardening can be helpful. A healthy brain needs the same as a healthy body, so a good diet, no smoking and reduced alcohol intake is also beneficial.

Socialisin­g and challengin­g leisure activities like Sudoku can help too.

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