The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Time to slow Russia came eight years ago £25 STAR LETTER


What on earth did the West think was going to happen eight years ago when Russia invaded Crimea with absolutely no reprisals and why on earth would Putin think all the condemnati­on now matters?

He has brought war into Europe and the time for stopping him was years ago, we should have been stronger in promising to help the countries of eastern Europe and we should have been stronger in giving Russia some of the reassuranc­e it was looking for. It’s too late now, Putin is doing what he intended to do and the rest is just words. Susan Aitchison, Edinburgh

Are officers dopey?

I burst out laughing when I read about the police chief telling the Scottish Police Authority that officers had not reported any rise in people smoking cannabis in the streets. They must be walking about with clothes pegs on their noses because it’s absolutely everywhere.

It seems like I smell it every time I leave the house and agree with whoever on the authority said the same. For the police to say it’s just anecdotal is laughable. I was at a funeral last week and came out of the graveyard at about half eleven in the morning and workmen were smoking it in their van. I could smell it across the street.

Martin Shields, by email

Thank you, NHS

Having just come home from a week in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, where I had an emergency operation, I would like to say a big thank you to every one in A&E and level 10D.

We always seem to hear the bad bits, I would like to write about some good bits. The staff in A&E were unbelievab­ly thoughtful and patient. I was given first-class attention and care. Nothing was a problem, however minor. Easy for a chat, and always a smile. On my transfer to 10D I was treated with the same attention and care. Wonderful!

David Brown, Glasgow

Cops not cars

Further to your article about police spending, I have to agree 100% with the officers who say we need more officers on the front line rather than more electric cars. I respectful­ly consider that I know what I’m talking about, as I was on that front line myself for 36 years until retiring in 2000.

Here’s a thought about electric cars. When you run out of fuel in a petrol or diesel car you somehow get yourself to the nearest filling station, fill up a can with the relevant fuel, get back to your car, top it up, and off you go. You can’t do that with an electric car! Davie Kerr, Lochaber

Spare a thought

I am writing to express my displeasur­e at the people who keep moaning about their lives being put on hold for the last two years. Try living with a cancer diagnosis or a really dreadful illness such as Motor Neurone Disease. Perhaps before healthy individual­s make crass comments about losing out on their holidays abroad and going out for a meal, they should spare a thought for others who can only dream about such things.

Denise Mackenzie, Dundee

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