The Sunday Post (Inverness)

‘I don’t think he realises the harm he has caused us’

- By Janet Boyle

A victim who was groomed by Joseph Dunne when he was her parish priest has welcomed his prison sentence. The woman, now in her 50s and married with children, was a teenager when Dunne offered her money to go with him to the seaside, organised tennis matches and suggested that she wore a short tennis skirt.

She decided not to go to the police, because she could not face giving evidence in court. Instead she reported her concerns to the Archdioces­e of Glasgow, but her concerns were dismissed, with Dunne being moved to another parish. He was only dismissed after further complaints about his conduct involving two other girls.

“This mani san internatio­nally protected paedophile who is finally, after decades of abuse, going to jail. “This is the best news I have heard in years. He deserves to be locked up and I don’t imagine prison is a kind or forgiving place for sex offenders in their 80s, especially those who abuse the trust of children.

“When I heard earlier this year that he had got a suspended sentence I felt despair at how the justice system could protect abusers for decades. “I thank the Irish justice system for finally seeking justice.”

She added that she is not being vitriolic.

“I don’t generally like the concept of sending people to prison because it is brutal but it will be a chance for him to reflect on what he has done. “I honestly don’t think he realises the harm he causes women and girls. “He had a terrible reputation for inappropri­ate behaviour with teenagers in our parish, St Paul’s in Whiteinch, Glasgow.

“He pretended to be helpful and nice to gain access and the trust of teenagers and their families.

“But I hated his advances and did not want to be alone with him. “Grooming wasn’t known about back then but it is now obvious that there was a pattern to the people he chose – young or vulnerable. “Eventually, when he turned up at our house my mother told him to go away and leave her daughter alone. “People were powerless to report sex offenders back then as they felt no one would have believed them. “When he was moved on from our parish we were told he had been sent on retreat to Ireland as some kind of self reflection.

“I want people to address the serious issue of why this man was left to continue doing this. “Children and others who are groomed and avoid sexual assault should be classed as near misses and we must intervene before someone is assaulted or worse.”

She adds she has gone from being a devout Catholic to leaving the church.

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