The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Foodbanks thank supporters as cost rises hit donations

More people than ever rely on parcels

- By Emma Lawson

Foodbanks are thanking members of the public for donations after a “challengin­g year” due to the cost-of-living crisis and increased need.

Throughout the year, foodbanks have been faced with an increasing need, but have seen a decrease in overall donations due to rising costs. The Trussell Trust charity reported that it had distribute­d 128,490 emergency food parcels in Scotland between April and September this year. This is more than ever before for this six-month period and a 9% increase compared to the same period last year.

But foodbanks across Scotland are now thanking people for their continuing donations throughout the year and in the run up to Christmas after a difficult year.

Lesley Davidson, of Loaves and Fishes Food Bank in East Kilbride, said they had seen a huge rise in the number of people needing the service, with an increase as high as 50%, with donations decreasing, but are grateful for those who continue to donate.

She said: “We’re so grateful. People and businesses have been struggling this year and we had a lot of corporate support so for them to still be supporting us despite the fact they have less is really great for us, because we’ve all been impacted with the rising costs this year. It means a lot to us.

“From the lady that hands in four tins of beans to corporate sector support, we’ve never been more grateful than we are this year, ever. This has been the year that we’ve needed it the most. We’re so grateful people are still supporting us because this is a real tough gig right now.

“We’ve experience­d such generosity from people, from regular supporters and from those that are moved to help. Donations are down across the board, but our regular supporters are there for us.

“A lot of people can make it through the year and then come Christmas they just can’t. They try their best but we’ve done hundreds and hundreds of parcels.”

Graham Welsh, who runs Paisley Christmas Food Bank, said the run up to Christmas has been hard and it continues to get harder each year to find donations. He said: “People that have worked in foodbanks are now using foodbanks themselves.”

 ?? ?? Volunteer Ingrid Mitchell prepares food packages for a foodbank helping people in need in Glasgow.
Volunteer Ingrid Mitchell prepares food packages for a foodbank helping people in need in Glasgow.

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