The Sunday Post (Inverness)

Em@il JURY

Japanese research has said you can deal with feelings of rage by writing down what has annoyed you and then throwing it away. We asked our Email Jury for their tips on managing anger.


Occupying myself doing something I enjoy, like a jigsaw, cooking, reading or doing sudoku. Anything relaxing and calming.

Judi Martin

I’m not good at cooling down when I lose my temper I’m afraid, but probably going for a solitary walk. Jim Malone

I find steady breathing always helps me calm down, as well as reminding myself there are far worse things than whatever has annoyed me.

Lorna Smith

I try not to lose my temper but on the rare occasion that I do I sulk for 10 minutes. Ronald James

I highly recommend getting a massage or eating chocolate cake! David Tulanian

A quick blast of effing and blinding does it for me! Maybe not so good for anyone close by, though.

Cameron Mcewan

Going for a walk to clear my head. Or finding someone to talk to about something completely different. Or, if I really want to annoy someone, singing… Elizabeth O’regan

Can’t do it now due to health problems but I found going for a drive or long walk would calm me down nicely. And then of course apologisin­g for losing my temper.

Lionel Fardy

I swear, but only when I can get away by myself. I find that it relieves my feelings very successful­ly. Liz Kelly

Tight lips, no eye contact, walk away and breathe deeply. This gives you time to calm down and regain control. Of course going outside, screaming loudly then coming back in and smiling works, too. Susan Ireland

Don’t often lose my temper but walking away helps me calm down. Anne Fletcher

Curse and then go for a long walk. That soon gets rid of any angry feelings. James G Plenderlei­th

I find a quick workout on my punch bag helps! Davie Kerr

Meditation and recognisin­g that it is just a feeling helps. Finding time to meditate when you’re driving and you’ve just been cut off in traffic is difficult, right enough.

Frank Mcintosh

Sometimes there’s nothing to do but wait until the feeling passes. Trying to calm down can make it feel worse.

Lucy Smith

Ideally I’ll take a long bath or read a book that isn’t too serious. Whatever you do, I don’t recommend watching television. Question Time or Newsnight might come on!

Eddie Gourlay

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