The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Stop this slaughter of the innocents


FOR months we have watched the bitter conflict in Syria played out on our TV screens.

We have witnessed the lives of ordinary people torn apart, victims of the opposing factions.

But nothing has matched the horror of last week seeing hundreds of children dying in agony from the effects of chemical weapons used against them.

Surely the world can’t stand back any longer and watch this murder of innocent children?

Those dazed and broken boys and girls who couldn’t breathe lay in the street writhing.The doctors who tried helplessly to treat them begged and pleaded for help.

And what does the world do? The talking shop of the United Nations issues statements, but nothing happens.

Weasel words are trotted out again and again.

I realise there are all sorts of reasons for not over-reacting. TheWest is hesitant to get involved in another conflict in the Middle East. I understand we have to be careful not to get drawn into another Iraq.

President Assad blames the insurgents.They claim he is a cruel and vengeful tyrant.

There are no winners in the endless blame game.

We’ve heard this language so many times before and in so many situations.

But always it is the helpless and vulnerable who suffer most.

Children and the elderly who end their lives just trying to breathe clean air.Whose last moments are spent in unspeakabl­e pain and suffering.

It is inhumane to allow this to continue.

We need to find another way, and soon — before one more child is murdered before our eyes.

 ??  ?? n Syrian chemical attack victims.
n Syrian chemical attack victims.

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