The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

‘The Aston Martin of whiskies’


WHO was Johnnie Walker?

John Walker was the founder of the business. He came from a farming background but after his father died, the decision was made to sell the farm and put all of the proceeds into setting up a small grocery store in Kilmarnock which would eventually sell whisky.

WHEN did he actually start blending whisky and what were the early days like?

We have a stocktake from 1825 which shows evidence of whisky along with locations of where it came from and who made it. This was at a time when the question of whisky provenance was rarely asked and highlights John’s commitment to flavour and his customers’ needs.

HOW did the business grow?

In 1853 the grocery store was affected by a terrible flood and Alexander Walker, John’s son, had to help save the family business.

Eventually, after John’s death in 1857, Alexander invested in his father’s business.

He took advantage of his relationsh­ips with ship captains who had well-establishe­d trade routes and cargo ships leaving Scotland relatively empty. This was the biggest growth period of the business back in the early days.

WERE there any big setbacks?

Well, if Alexander had pursued his own career and not returned to the family business after the flood things could have been very different.

Towards the end of the late 1800s, there were some difficult times for Scotch whisky and other companies collapsed, so there may not have been the strength and depth in the company to ride out the storm.

WHY were square bottles used?

I think it was down to a very pragmatic packing technology!

If bottles were square they could be packed into a case which was stronger and therefore great for exporting.

AND why was the label slanted?

Well, why not! It stood out and having the label at an angle means the full company name can be fitted on it in bold type.

WHAT were the biggest changes when Alexander and George took over in 1889?

Again, it was a move towards exporting Johnnie Walker, but also as the business grew there was a move towards distilling. The company began to purchase distilleri­es so they could

control the flavours.

WHICH distilleri­es does the company own?

We own more distilleri­es in Scotland than any other distiller and have larger reserves than anyone else in the business, which means access to a greater capacity and range of flavours.

Owning our own distilleri­es means we can influence what they make.

DOES the original striding man cartoon exist?

Yes, it does still exist — and it’s absolutely priceless to us. Though the striding man logo on bottles has evolved over the years.

HOW did the links with golf come about?

Johnnie Walker has long been associated with some of the world’s leading golfers and exclusive clubs.

It all started with Johnnie Walker as the title sponsor of a limited field event in Jamaica, then a co-sponsor of the Ryder Cup. The brand then launched the Johnnie Walker Classic in Asia, focusing on the growth of the game in that region and bringing the world’s greatest golfers to these new fans.

AND how important is backing golf here?

When the opportunit­y to sponsor an event in its heartland came about, JohnnieWal­ker became the title sponsor of the Scottish event. The brand planned to become a partner of the 2014 Ryder Cup to celebrate their mutual return “home”.

WHICH stars like a taste?

Our brand ambassador and male supermodel David Gandy referred to Johnnie Walker Blue Label as “the Aston Martin of whiskies”.

Mad Men actress Christina Hendricks is also a fan. Nicole Kidman, Carey Mulligan, Colin Firth and Robert Redford are a few of the names who’ve been enjoying the hospitalit­y on our ocean-going yacht John Walker & Sons Voyager.

WHERE are the biggest markets today?

The biggest market for Johnnie Walker is North America but it’s growing fast in Asia. It’s the world’s biggest brand by value.

WHERE are some of the unlikely places in the world you’ll find a bottle?

There isn’t really an unlikely place for Johnnie Walker as it’s so far reaching — that’s what selling 20 million cases a year does!

HAVE you ever been asked to blend a special whisky?

I can’t divulge details but yes, I have made quite a few signature blends for private clients.

WHAT’S the most expensive type you sell?

The John Walker & Sons Diamond Jubilee blend sells for £100,000 — although we think all our blends are very exclusive.

 ??  ?? n Actress Christina Hendricks.
n Actress Christina Hendricks.
 ??  ?? n Brand ambassador
and male supermodel David Gandy.
n Brand ambassador and male supermodel David Gandy.

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