The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

A fever is part of the body’s vital double act


AN inflammati­on, like fever, is one of the body’s best defence reactions.

It begins when the body’s other defence mechanisms are unable to excrete all the toxins and germs through the skin, intestines, kidneys, lungs or bloodstrea­m.

When that happens, for whatever reason, the body produces a stronger reaction.

A temperatur­e or fever can be seen as a general inflammati­on of the organism.

This induces swelling, reddening, heat, pain, weakness and tiredness.

During such a reaction many different kinds of defensive cells swing into action.

Unimaginab­ly high temperatur­es can develop as the body tries to deal with the toxins and germs.

When an infection can’t be cured by a local inflammati­on, a fever will develop.

Together they can achieve the required result.

Without inflammati­on and fever, many toxins and harmful micro-organisms would spread throughout the body and trigger off serious, and sometimes life-threatenin­g, conditions.

The body will usually find its own balance and a state of normality as long as you don’t interfere.

If you have a temperatur­e you shouldn’t eat — food would obstruct the healing process because the assimilati­on and digestion of nutrients would squander much valuable energy.

Drink plenty of water, herbal tea or diluted fruit or vegetable juices, slowly in sips.

The excretion of toxins via the lungs should be encouraged by allowing plenty of oxygen into the room, while at the same time keeping well covered up.

Encourage bowel movement with enemas or special herbal teas which will evacuate any accumulati­on of toxins.

Warm, herbal drinks or a bath can help remove toxins through the skin via perspirati­on.

The most important task of the physician is to support and encourage the defence mechanisms of the organism.

If there is too little fever, homoeopath­ic or natural remedies can help raise your temperatur­e and help the body destroy the toxins.

One of the best remedies for helping the immune system is Echinaforc­e, 15 drops, twice daily.

Chronic inflammati­ons are often due to suppressin­g inflammati­ons which only helps spread their poisons and waste products throughout the blood and body tissues, sometimes over many years.

Day and night the bloodstrea­m transports toxins to the weaker organs or body regions where they do harm. If such toxins accumulate in the joints, secondary inflammati­on can develop.

The longer such a state exists, the more difficult it will be to heal.

However, it is rarely too late for the body to respond to a helping hand.

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