The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Our baby is due, but we just lost our darling boy

- By Sandra Dick

A DEVASTATED couple are waiting anxiously for the birth of their baby boy, just hours after laying their other son to rest.

Grieving Mark Perry and partner Christine Hall are caught in a shattering emotional whirlwind of having to say their final farewell to one son, just as they prepare for the imminent arrival of his little brother.

Christine found out she was pregnant at the same time as her sevenyear- old son Jake was receiving treatment for an aggressive brain tumour, discovered after he had taken a tumble at school.

Jake lost his fight for life days before his eighth birthday – after having battled for nearly a year.

He was laid to rest in a white coffin adorned with superhero cartoons on Friday morning, with his heavily pregnant mum Christine and dad Mark leading the mourners.

It meant that instead of shopping for baby essentials for their new arrival, Christine spent the day her baby was due to arrive buying mourning clothes for her son’s funeral.

“This should be a time of joy,” said mum of four Christine, 36, cradling her bump. “Instead we have had to watch Jake slip away in front of our eyes.

“The baby was due the day before Jake’s funeral. So he’s now overdue.

“It’s really hard to get your head around that you’ve lost one little boy just as you’re about to have another.

“I’m not sure I really believe what’s happened.”

Jake died at home in Addiewell, West Lothian, tucked up in his favourite Avengers blanket with his Ben 10 cushion under his head and held tight in dad Mark’s arms.

He was clutching his favourite teddy bear.

Tragically the couple’s hopes that he might hang on long enough to meet his new little baby brother, were not to be.

“Christine had just gone to St John’s Hospital in Livingston to be induced so she could have the baby before we lost Jake,” explained Mark, 43, a baggage handler at Edinburgh Airport. “While she was there, Jake’s nurse arrived and broke the news that he didn’t have a lot of time left.

“Christine didn’t want to be away from him, so she rushed home instead.”

The couple then took turns cuddling their dying boy and telling him how much they loved him.

Mark added: “We are heartbroke­n, devastated. We knew Jake was not going to survive but that does not make it any easier.

“The day before he died, he smiled and joked with me.

“He was the bravest child you could ever meet. We are so proud of him.”

Jake was a blue-eyed bundle of energy who loved nothing more than playing with his Lego building blocks and kicking his football around outside.

Christine and Mark noticed he seemed under the weather last March. But it was a minor bump one day while at Addiewell Primary School that sent alarm bells ringing

“He banged his head,” said Christine. “His balance seemed affected so I took him to the doctor. It was like he’d had a stroke.”

Hospital scans revealed a oneand-a-half inch tumour in his brain.

At first medics were optimistic that they could help Jake.

His type of tumour, medullabla­stoma, is among the more common childhood brain tumours and can often be successful­ly treated.

Jake underwent a gruelling ninehour operation to remove most of the cancer at the base of his brain.

He spent nearly four months in hospital recovering.

He was having chemothera­py treatment when the family received the worst news possible.

“All the scans up to the third out of four cycles of chemothera­py were fine,” recalled Mark. “A half-centimetre tumour that had appeared in his spine was reducing too.

“Then just before Christmas, Jake took a bad seizure which lasted around an hour. He went to hospital and had more scans.

“The doctors found three new tumours where they had operated.

“The chemothera­py wasn’t working.”

It was devastatin­g news, coming just weeks after Christine and Mark had found out about the new addition to their family.

“I’m just hoping the birth is quick so I can be back home where I’m needed,” said Christine.

She added that Jake’s brothers Taylor, who’s nine, Mark, six, and sister Paige, 11, had been left devastated by his death.

“The hardest thing for us was to tell our other children that Jake had died,” added Mark.

“It is so painful for us and just as sore for them. We are completely gutted.”

Of course the new arrival could never replace the little boy they’ve lost, but now the couple hope he might help soothe some of their agony.

And they have already picked a name that pays special tribute to the big brother who, sadly, their new baby boy will never meet.

“We’re thinking of calling the baby James Jake Daniel,” explained dad Mark. “It feels like the right way to pay tribute to Jake. “He was my wee dude. He called me and his mum silly nicknames but we just laughed about it.

“He was a wee bit cheeky and always full of fun.

“He never did anything to deserve this.”

He added: “I’m going to miss him so much, I can’t even begin to think what it’s going to be like without him.

“He was the bravest child you could ever meet and we are so proud of him.

“We are completely gutted. But we have to be strong for our other kids.

“Christine now has to give birth to our new son. “Life has to go on throughout all of this.”

Mummy please don’t cry for me, Tell daddy not to be sad. Tell my brothers and sister To remember all the fun we had. Tell granma I’ll miss her cakes And grandad stories too. Tell everyone I miss them And I’ll be watching over you. Don’t shed a tear for me because I’m not with you there tonight. But I’m watching over from the clouds With the stars as my flashlight. I know you’ll miss me terribly But we’ll be together again you’ll see. For now I’ll wait for you in heaven While the angels take care of me.

 ??  ?? Jake with sister Paige and brothers Taylor and Mark. Right, cuddles with Mum and Dad.
Jake with sister Paige and brothers Taylor and Mark. Right, cuddles with Mum and Dad.
 ??  ?? Christine and Mark are utterly devastated.
Christine and Mark are utterly devastated.
 ??  ?? Loving family photos taken while Jake was still battling his debilitati­ng illness.
Loving family photos taken while Jake was still battling his debilitati­ng illness.
 ??  ?? Christine’s mum Helen wrote a special poem which she read out at his funeral service. It included the lines:
Christine’s mum Helen wrote a special poem which she read out at his funeral service. It included the lines:

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