The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Amputee footballer­s in great spirits


SCOTLAND’S first amputee football team make their debut in a UK-wide cup competitio­n on Saturday.

Finding Your Feet is funding the team that will compete in the tournament in West Bromwich.

And such is the level of interest, it’s hoped it could be the start of a thriving league north of the Border.

Brian Murray, 47, from Eastriggs, near Annan in Dumfries & Galloway, is one of the driving forces behind the squad.

Dad-of-two Brian was diagnosed with bone cancer as a youngster and had to have his left leg amputated at the hip when he was 10.

“I loved playing football and continued to play a bit at first,” said Brian, a factory accountant.

“But as a teenager I became self-conscious being seen without my artificial leg and gave it up.”

He thought his playing days were behind him until he saw a leaflet for Great Britain Amputee Football at the limb centre he attends in Edinburgh.

He was invited to watch a game down south last year, ended up playing, and did so well he was invited to become a member of the Everton team.

That meant regular trips to Liverpool until the backing of Finding Your Feet and the support of Partick Thistle saw training for a new team begin in Glasgow.

Now they’ll be flying the flag for Scotland in the seven-a-side cup tournament along with six English teams and one from Ireland.

“I can get around pretty well on just my one leg and crutches,” said Brian.

“There’s a great spirit among everyone and as well as boosting your mood it helps with your fitness.

“I feel so much better since I started and we’ve now got interest from other big senior clubs as well as Thistle, so I’d hope to see the game take off.”

I can be very impatient but then I remind myself that someone has to die for me to get these hands

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