The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Five years of meter misery is now at an end for Violet

- By George Stewart

THERE is nothing worse than an itch that, no matter how hard you scratch, you cannot get to go away.

The same is true when it comes to a problem you cannot get to the bottom of, despite your best efforts.

That is just the scenario that befell Violet Guignet with regards to her energy supplier, ScottishPo­wer, at her Lanarkshir­e home

Pensioner Violet had been struggling for five years to get the power giants to rectify a problem regarding her billings and meter at her flat in the village of Forth.

Her troubles began in July 2011 when she received a bill from ScottishPo­wer for £557.03.

As a single person living in a flat she was astounded as to how they came about reaching this figure.

She contacted her supplier but could get no answers from the firm on the subject.

This was despite the fact that she’d been paying £81.97 by Direct Debit and had indeed had those amounts taken on April 27, 2011, May 17 and once again on May 31.

At this point Violet asked to have a pre-payment meter installed and this was done. However, that was far from the end of her troubles.

For she continued to be billed with actual readings and

estimates despite feeding the pre-paid meter to the tune of £40 per week.

In the last year, Violet paid out almost £3000 – yet she had to sit wrapped in blankets as she had to turn the heating off.

At the very end of her tether with ScottishPo­wer, Violet emailed Raw Deal telling us that she had explored every avenue in a bid to get this matter resolved.

ScottishPo­wer had reimbursed Violet to the tune of £2374 but they said she still owed them £875.

She could not comprehend how this could be and asked us to investigat­e as she had

now been prescribed antidepres­sants due to the stress of the matter.

We contacted ScottishPo­wer and almost immediatel­y it had things sorted.

A spokespers­on told us: “We apologise to Mrs Guignet for any inconvenie­nce this matter has caused.

“Firstly, the Direct Debit taken in 2011 was refunded. When we transferre­d Mrs Guignet’s account to another system the transfer reading was wrong. Unfortunat­ely, this resulted in the debt building up on her account.

“In addition, her meter had never been reset since 2010 with

any price changes, so the meter was under set and under collecting.

“We have updated the account and, by way of an apology, we have written off the debt owed which was approximat­ely £700.

“Mrs Guignet is satisfied the matter has now been resolved.”

A delighted Violet said: “Thank you so much for your help. This is absolutely fabulous.

“My complaint with ScottishPo­wer has now been resolved thanks to Raw Deal.

“I can now enjoy sweet dreams instead of the living nightmare I have had to endure for the past five years.”

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Violet is delighted Raw Deal helped to resolve her troubles with ScottishPo­wer.
n Violet is delighted Raw Deal helped to resolve her troubles with ScottishPo­wer.

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