The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Anna is a winner as a screen fraud


ANNA CHANCELLOR has played plenty of smart, strong characters in her lengthy career.

But she admits that Eleanor, head of the Serious Fraud Office in the BBC’s seven-part series New Blood which starts this week, is a fair old stretch.

“I could never, ever have had a job like this in my life!” said Anna.

“I hardly passed what they call GCSEs now.

“So it makes me laugh when I have these jobs that you’d have to be very highly qualified for and been a real high achiever because that is the opposite to what has been my experience.

“But you always have to bring a side of your character to everything you do, because otherwise there would be nothing to draw on.

“I suppose somewhere in my character is somebody who is quite bossy and likes to tell people what to do. I like to stand up for what is right or wrong.

“The maternal side of my character is what I’d probably draw on.

“You don’t mess with that side of me.”

The fast-paced crime drama has been written by the ultra-experience­d hand of Foyle’s War creator Anthony Horowitz.

But there’s a youthful feel with the two lead actors, Ben Tavassoli and Mark Strepan, who works under Anna, getting their first big prime-time roles as the novice investigat­ors.

“I certainly enjoy working with younger actors,” insists Anna, who was seen recently in the latest series of Shetland.

“Mark’s fantastic. He doesn’t seem naïve or young. That’s exciting as clearly he’s talented and handsome and has his feet on the ground. “And Kimberly Nixon who’s working with me at the SFO office is very clever, very funny. It’s good to be involved with new talent.”

New Blood, BBC1, 9pm


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