The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

The Broons family quiz


Can you rise to Horace’s challenge?

1. Which band named themselves after a type of American fire engine?

2. What was establishe­d by the Lateran Treaty of 1929?

3. Who wrote the poem In Memoriam which contains the lines: “It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”?

4. Pierre is the capital of which American state?

5. Which mythologic­al creature was half lion, half eagle?

6. What is the drink sake made from?

7. Which cells in the human eye help to distinguis­h colours?

8. The fennec is the smallest of which species of animal?

9. Which word can describe the front of a dog’s chest and a joint of beef?

10. Which fruit has varieties Merton Pride and Williams?

11. The book The Eagle Has Landed centres on a plot to kidnap whom?

12. What is the only major British Government position that has never been held by a woman?

13. What number was Geoff Hurst’s shirt number in the 1966 World Cup?

14. Which famous Russian newspaper had a title that translated into English as ‘truth’?

15. Which country’s flag consists of black, yellow and red vertical stripes in that order?

16. What is kept in a ‘kalpis’?

17. Which former politician has a statue dedicated to him outside the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow?

18. What was infamously stolen in 1911 by Vincenzo Peruggia?

19. In the Just William series of books, what is the name of William’s gang?

20. Silkworms feed on the leaves of which tree?

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