The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

out of The shades


Jamie Dornan is back in The Fall.

FIFTY SHADES OF GREY shot Jamie Dornan from jobbing actor to one of the most talked-about stars in the world.

This week, though, Jamie is back in the series that made his name, The Fall.

He plays serial killer Paul Spector, being relentless­ly pursued by Gillian Anderson’s copper Stella Gibson in the Northern Ireland–filmed BBC Two drama.

“Profession­ally, this job is the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” insists Jamie, 34.

“I love doing it and filming the third series was like coming home.

“I’m from Belfast too so it was, literally, coming home as I haven’t lived there for 15 years.

“It’s been mostly the same crew involved over all three series.

“The subject matter is so hard but we have a real laugh on this job.

“It’s focused when it has to be but we still have a lot of fun making it.”

His fame is such that a multi-million-dollar Hollywood home beckons and he’s making the second and third Shades movies back-to-back.

But he admits his birthplace is still important to him.

“It was mentioned a lot in the first series that Belfast is its own character within The Fall,” he says.

“The subject matter is so bleak but Belfast still comes out of it looking like a really great place.

“Someone told me you can go do a tour around all the different places that appear in The Fall, which is good for Belfast.

“Also I’m glad because I don’t have to do an accent, which is nice!”

The stories have been such that this is the first series that Jamie and Gillian have actually had much screen time together. “Now I can say I’ve worked with her substantia­lly, and she’s brilliant,” he adds.

The Fall, BBC Two, Thursday 9pm.

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