The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

There’s plenty of heart on the menu


First Dates (C4)

MOST of us are nosy wee so-and-sos at heart.

For instance, if we pass a house at night and the lights are on and curtains open, we can’t help but furtively peer in.

Ooft! Check that wallpaper. They’ll need sunglasses just to sit in their front room.

And that’s why First Dates is so good. It’s about sticking our big noses in to other folk’s business (but with their permission and not in a creepy way). What more could you ask for? Last week wasn’t a classic, but it’s always a good watch.

We had a posh-but-nice woman who couldn’t finish a sentence without giggling or gurning on a date with a man who claimed to be 25 but was clearly 14. He was looking for his “unicorn”. Don’t ask.

Also on the menu was an Olympic bobsleigh athlete whose self-esteem went downhill in record-breaking time when he was given the boot by a blonde kick boxing champ.

He seemed genuinely baffled that a woman wouldn’t fall at his feet. Which made it funnier of course.

As usual there was one pair who should really have been filed under “Worst Dates” rather than First Dates.

You had an inkling that it wasn’t going to go well when they ordered a bottle of wine each for the meal.

In the end the red-faced, arrogant, boorish, drunk bloke wasn’t snapped up by his date. Can’t imagine why.

First Dates always works best when the hit rate is high and the couples genuinely hit it off.

It’s a show with real heart, and we love a happy ending.

We may be nosy wee so-and-sos, but we’re softhearte­d nosy wee so-and-sos! The “Great British. . .” series that people aren’t having fits of rage/sorrow/stress over.

Yet it’s a delicious wee gem, full of amazing grub.

Turn on, tune in and drool on the screen.

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