The Sunday Post (Newcastle)



I was recently diagnosed with a perforated eardrum. Will it be all right to fly? I often have sore ears when the cabin depressuri­ses.

Yes it is perfectly safe. You say that you often have sore ears when flying. This is generally due to changes in cabin pressure, and a build-up of pressure behind the eardrum. When there is a perforatio­n there it actually allows the pressures to balance out more easily, so often there is less discomfort.

Is it safe for my daughter to make her new baby a vegetarian? I’m worried she won’t be getting enough nutrients.

When babies are weaned often their diet is mostly fruit and vegetables. If your daughter is a vegetarian herself then she is probably used to preparing meals which have a good variety of nutrients. The most important thing is to make sure the child is getting enough protein and iron. This can usually be achieved by two or three portions of vegetable proteins daily and foods such as beans and lentils. Dried fruits and dark green vegetables especially are rich in iron. Fortified breakfast cereals also contain minerals and vitamins. It is also recommende­d that all children aged from six months to five years are given supplement­s containing Vitamins A, C and D every day. This is particular­ly important for vegetarian children. Your daughter can perhaps speak with the health visitor for further advice.

I’m due for an angiogram. What is it, and should I prepare for it?

It’s a type of X-ray which is used to check up on blood vessels as they don’t show up very clearly normally. A dye is injected which will highlight the blood vessels. Then a series of X-rays are taken. There is no real preparatio­n that is required from your point of view. The test is usually done when you are awake but you may be given a sedative to help you relax.

Can I take antihistam­ines to stop nausea? I’m pregnant and have terrible morning sickness.

Make sure you are hydrated, taking small amounts of fluid often. Symptoms can be worse in the morning but can occur all day. Sometimes taking a dry biscuit before you get up can help. Some women find that products containing ginger can be helpful, such as biscuits or ginger ale. Although antihistam­ines have not been shown to be harmful in pregnancy, Manufactur­ers will generally say to avoid. It would probably be best to discuss this with your doctor.

Is the 5:2 diet safe? I’m obese and would like to try it.

Yes, it’s safe and it may even have health benefits in the long term. It involves eating a normal, healthy diet for five days of the week then, for the other two days, eating around 25% of the normal calorie intake, which would be 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men. Although the diet on normal days is unrestrict­ed, it is of course important to stick to a healthy plan, making sure your diet has plenty of fruit and vegetables and proteins, and limiting saturated fats. On the fasting days it is important to keep hydrated to minimise tiredness and headaches. Good luck!

What is Dermatitis herpetifor­mis? I have recently been told by my GP I have it, but I’m not quite sure what it is.

It is a skin condition resembling what look like raised, red patches often with blistered areas which can often be severely itchy and blisters can often burst with scratching. A rash tends to be symmetrica­l and is often seen on elbows, knees and buttocks but any area can be affected. It is usually diagnosed by a skin biopsy. The condition is linked to coeliac disease so if this is diagnosed it is important that you are referred to a gastroente­rologist for some tests. The recommende­d treatment is usually a lifelong gluten-free diet.

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