The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

“my back pain got so bad that it stopped me from doing the most simple of tasks...”


Retired teacher Sally King (aged 58) has suffered from agonising back pain for more than 20 years. It all started when she got out of her car and felt a sharp pain shooting down her spine. Since then she’s tried painkiller­s, physiother­apy and TENS devices without any real success. Sally tells her story of how she stopped her back pain instantly without drugs or expensive physiother­apy sessions. “It all started 20 years ago when I got out of my car and felt a shooting pain down my spine and into my pelvis. I must have twisted as I got out of the car and this started my 20 years of pain, agony and discomfort!” “I probably did what most people would do and tried painkiller­s which only numbed the pain but didn’t solve the problem. Physiother­apy did help but at £50 a session it’s very expensive and I could only afford to visit the physio every 3 months which meant that I was still in pain and my mobility and life was affected. I couldn’t pick the grandchild­ren up, do my normal chores around the house or even walk the dog without being in severe pain so I relied heavily upon a walking stick.” “My physiother­apist told me that my posture was poor and

this was the main contributi­ng factor to my back pain. I didn’t realise it but my back muscles were causing most of my pain and severe discomfort. My posture was to blame for all my back pain!” “A neighbour of mine suggested that I try Lumbros Biofeedbac posture belt. She had bought one for her husband who had similar severe back pain to mine. She told me that within a few days her husband was back on his feet and could get on with his life without the constant agony of back pain – this sounded exactly what I needed!” “I’d tried all sorts of therapies and remedies before so I wasn’t holding my breath. To be honest I was very sceptical as nothing previously has stopped my back pain. Within an hour of wearing the posture support belt I noticed the difference; the pain subsided and my mobility improved. My back felt like it did 20 years ago before the injury. I now wear the belt each day and my back pain and discomfort has gone – it’s an amazing product!”

“20 years of pain, agony

and discomfort!” “ severe pain so I relied heavily on a

walking stick”

“My poor posture was to blame for all my

back pain!” “Nothing had previously stopped my back pain!”

“my back pain and discomfort has gone – it’s

an amazing product!”

 ??  ??

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