The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

My knees feel like new– thanks to this ‘miracle’ support”

Dave Simmons, a roofer from Bristol was crippled with osteoarthr­itis in his knees but now, thanks to a simple device, he’s back on top form.


IMET with roofing specialist, Dave Simmons, as he and his team set about rebuilding a partially collapsed roof on a house. Dave is very hands on, there is no directing from the sidelines. It is clear that he likes to be involved in everything, from unloading materials, going up and down scaffoldin­g, constantly on the go. Looking at him now it’s hard to believe that just over three months ago he could hardly get out of his armchair without severe knee pain and he had to walk with a walking stick.

I asked Dave what had caused the problem?

“I think it’s due to working through long cold winters and also some old injuries from when I used to play football,” the 54-year-old widower told me as we shared a flask of hot tea. “Then about 18 months ago I noticed that the pain and stiffness first thing in the morning was getting worse and would last throughout the day. Some days it was agony, so much so that I struggled to walk properly.”

Dave saw a specialist who told him that he had osteoarthr­itis in both of his knees and it was vital he needed to change his lifestyle so that he didn’t put so much pressure through his knees.

“Considerin­g my job as a roofer, that would have meant giving up working and basically sitting in an armchair for the rest of my life. Sorry, but that’s just not me and never will be – I love the physical side of my job and I’ve spent 17 years building up my business – I was not ready to give it up yet.”

Dave tried anti-inflammato­ries but with very limited success. As much as he fought the crippling pain and immobility, it steadily got the better of him. Dave confided in me that he had seriously considered asking his doctor for tablets for depression. Like so many others in his position he felt such a sense of loss of independen­ce and even dignity. It wasn’t just the agony and pain he suffered daily but the ‘soul destroying’ thought that it would only get worse and he’d never get back to his old ‘physical’ self again. Suddenly, almost overnight he felt that he’d become an old man.

Then, after 18 months of suffering, he received a call, one of his old mates.

“I’ve known Bill for over 30 years and he’d been suffering with his knees for at least 10 years. When I told him about my knee problems I expected him to sympathize, but he went on to tell me he no longer had pains in his knees since his physiother­apist advised him to try this Active

3 Knee Support”, Dave explained this whilst lifting up his trouser leg to show me the knee support he was wearing.

“Bill told me that it had changed his life and he’d even gone back to work for the council. So I ordered one right away and gave it a try. I’m not joking, but I was about walking without pain within a minute of putting it on. And I went back to work just two days later. It was amazing! It was like having two new knees!

“The Active-3 support has made such a difference to my life. Getting up and down stairs, and ladders, used to be so painful but with the knee supports on I could manage it with no problems at all.

Walking for long periods had been a no-no for almost 18 months, but now I can walk for hours. It’s also made a difference when I am driving for long periods – I used to get a dull ache in my left knee but the Active-3 takes the pressure off – it’s been truly amazing.” The manufactur­ers of the

Active-3 Knee Support highlight a number of pain reducing and mobilising features. It’s designed ergonomica­lly to absorb a high degree of pressure and movement whilst locking in heat around the whole kneecap. It is fully adjustable and has flexible spring stabilizer­s for added support. It has been rigorously tested and comes highly recommende­d by physiother­apists.

“Thanks to this knee support I can keep active.” Dave’s success story seems to be echoed by so many others who have tried the Active-3

Knee Support. The manufactur­er offers all customers the chance to try them for 90 days and will happily refund anyone who doesn’t get relief

from pain! This promise has tempted thousands to try it, changing lives for so many sufferers. For Dave it has worked wonders. “It’s great to feel alive again”, he cheerfully told me.

You can purchase the Active-3 Knee Support from Direct Shop. The 90- day money back guarantee gives you three whole months to try it at home and if you’re not entirely happy with the results, simply send it back and you will receive a full and immediate refund – no questions asked and no reasons required.

“It was like having two new knees!” “It’s great to feel

alive again!”

 ??  ?? Dave Simmons believes the
Active-3 Knee Support Device has
given him a new lease
of life!
Dave Simmons believes the Active-3 Knee Support Device has given him a new lease of life!

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