The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Should we hold back the years or grow old gracefully?


Our Email Jury have their say...

Ageing is a fact of life but if there is a cream or whatever out there that can help you look that wee bit more youthful, then why not? James Thompson, East Lothian.

Whatever “wonder” treatment you have, age will catch up with you sooner or later. Elizabeth O’Regan, Lincoln.

We should be more accepting of the fact we are going to grow old. There is too much emphasis on youth culture these days. Patricia Croker, Liverpool.

I’m growing old gracefully at 70. My white hair is gorgeous and my life laid-back. The beauty industry is always looking for new gimmicks, but they’re not for me. Lorraine Anderson, Edinburgh.

There is nothing that can be classed as “antiageing”, other than plastic surgery. I know, I’ve tried them all! I look in the mirror with no specs on or reality will spoil the rest of my day! Irene Thomson, Perth.

You could spend a million pounds and it won’t stop the ageing process. People who spend money making themselves look like Barbie are in denial. Margaret Gibb, Fife.

I’m tired of magazines deciding how I should feel about things! If I want to buy products that help reduce the signs of ageing, I am old enough to make that decision for myself. Lorna Smith, North Yorkshire.

Have these clowns nothing better to do in life. You are as old as you are, looks or not. Bob Duncan, Carnoustie.

There is far too much pressure on women (and men) to look young. What’s wrong with creases? My face looks as if I’ve lived - much better than the plastic alternativ­e! Susan Ireland, Kendal.

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