The Sunday Post (Newcastle)



I’M 80 and have been troubled by a lot of wind in the past 18 months. It’s very embarrassi­ng. Is there something I should be doing to stop it?

We all experience gas but some people have pain, burp excessivel­y or pass large amounts of wind. Occasional­ly greater than normal amounts of gas are produced and there are several situations where this may occur, including air swallowing, dietary factors and less commonly, bowel diseases. Changes to the diet, various medicines and products that deodorise gas may be helpful. Foods which are known to increase the amount of gas include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and starchy foods such as potatoes and corn or high fibre foods such as peas and beans.

I HAVE cancer of the prostate and am due radiothera­py soon. What does this entail?

Radiothera­py is a treatment which uses high energy beams of radiation which are focused on cancerous, malignant tissue. This kills cancer cells or stops the cancer cells from multiplyin­g. Radical radiothera­py may be used as an alternativ­e to surgery and is often used for men who are not fit enough or who have chosen not to have an operation. There are two types of radiothera­py that are used for prostate cancer, external and internal. External radiothera­py involves radiation being targeted at the prostate cancer from a machine. This is the common type of radiothera­py used for many types of cancer. Internal radiothera­py is a treatment which involves a small radioactiv­e implant being placed into the cancerous tumour or next to the tumour.

I HAVE chronic dry throat, despite drinking plenty of water. Could it be a sign of something else?

Having a chronic dry throat can be a side effect of several medication­s including tricyclic antidepres­sants, antihistam­ines, anti-epileptic medication, anti-psychotic medication, beta blockers and diuretics or water tablets. It can also occur if there is mouth breathing which can be because of a blocked nose or other causes. Sometimes anxiety can cause these symptoms. Speak to your GP.

I AM a 60-year-old man with what I believe are abnormally small testicles. They’ve always been like this. Should I have this checked out? Is it a sign of something else?

I’m not sure whether you have had any children or have been able to have normal sexual relationsh­ips but if you have not had problems in either of these areas then it is unlikely there is anything wrong and it is unlikely to be a sign of anything more worrying. If, however, you still have concerns it may be appropriat­e to go and see your own doctor.

THERE’S a slight bulge under my skin, in between my two clavicle bones. What could this be?

This slight bulge is likely to be either a lipoma or a sebaceous cyst although there are various other things that it could be. I think it would probably be best to get this checked by your doctor although it is unlikely to be anything worrying unless it is greatly changing in size.

MY son was taken to hospital with peritoniti­s recently but has made a full recovery. What is it?

I am glad to see your son has recovered from peritoniti­s as this can be quite a serious illness. Peritoniti­s is inflammati­on of the inside of the abdominal cavity or peritoneum usually triggered by sepsis such as from a ruptured appendix or other organ.

I’VE recently lost all sense of taste.

There are many different causes of smell and taste problems. The commonest cause of temporary loss is colds or flu and sinus problems. The sense of smell also naturally decreases with age. If related to a temporary cause such as a cold then it should recover after a few days or weeks at most.

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