The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

There shouldn’t have been nuts in my meal but there were. They nearly killed me

- By Marion Scott

A WOMAN with a food allergy is suing a restaurant – after eating hummus with peanuts in it.

Hannah Kidd became so ill at the top Edinburgh eatery after eating the dip laced with peanut butter that an ambulance had to be called.

Now, backed by politician­s, she is calling for new rules to force restaurant­s to list ingredient­s on menus.

A family day out last February almost ended in tragedy when the tax office worker ate toast and hummus – unaware the restaurant chef had allegedly added peanuts to a dish usually made from chickpeas, oil, lemon and garlic.

Hannah, 24, from Glasgow, is scrupulous about avoiding peanuts after discoverin­g that even touching nuts leaves her breathless and causes her skin to erupt.

She said: “Even having peanuts in the same room can cause my lips to swell and my throat to itch. When I eat out I ask waiters endless questions about any dishes that tend to have nuts.

“I’ve never known anyone to add peanuts to simple hummus, so I thought it was safe to eat.

“Within moments, I went into allergic shock.”

Hannah is now set to take legal ac t ion against the restaurant.

Her aunt Jacqueline Bryceland, 51, a nurse from Stirling, said that when they checked with the kitchen, they were told the chef had added peanut butter to the hummus.

“But there was no mention of that ingredient on the menu,” she said.

After Hannah became unwell, her uncle James, 59, waved down a taxi to take her to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

“Hannah was struggling to breathe and kept saying, ‘I’m going to die, I’m going to die’,” he said. “She was terrified, and so was I.”

Hannah added: “I really thought I wasn’t going to make it and wanted to leave a note for my family and boyfriend to tell them how much I love them.”

Last night, Labour MSP Neil Findlay said there should be government considerat­ion to ensure “restaurant­s and those selling food make customers aware of any dishes which include nuts”.

Fellow MSP John Mason agreed: “This is an issue we need to look closely at.”

 ??  ?? ■ Hannah ate hummus which had nuts in the recipe – but she didn’t know it.
■ Hannah ate hummus which had nuts in the recipe – but she didn’t know it.
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 ??  ?? ■ Hannah after the attack.
■ Hannah after the attack.

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