The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Corrie’s secret has gripped Sue, too


THEY say love is blind – but Corrie star Sue Cleaver insists soap fans are determined to improve her eyesight.

Her character, Eileen, wed evil builder Pat Phelan at the start of the year.

And long-standing favourite Sue says Street devotees have been keen to point out just what she’s let herself in for, especially since his incarcerat­ion of Andy.

“They all try to warn me,” smiles Sue.

“It’s great that the storyline has got everyone talking and fantastic that we managed to keep the secret of Andy being held captive.

“The audience seem to love surprises.”

And Sue revealed that she has been as gripped as anyone else.

“We all want to know when – or if – Phelan is going to be found out,” she confides.

“We film about eight weeks ahead and at the moment he is still up to no good.

“He is getting more and more desperate, though, as the net is closing in and he has made a couple of mistakes.”

This week, Andy is begging Phelan to take him to a doctor.

But when Eileen turns up at the house Phelan is renovating, he has some explaining to do about the building and about why he went to the medical centre for antibiotic­s.

As viewers love to hate a baddie – and Phelan is definitely a hiss-able horror – soap bosses usually like to milk the drama. So, is he redeemable?

“The viewers love having a baddie around, so I guess that is possible,” Sue adds. “But not if anyone else on the Street finds out. Eileen would not keep this a secret if she knew.

“At some point he will have to get his comeuppanc­e, but it doesn’t look like being any time soon.” Coronation Street, ITV, today, Wed, Fri.

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