The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

KNoW your rIGhTS


Many airlines and travel firms are offering customers vouchers or credit notes for cancelled trips instead of the full refunds they are legally due.

If you do say yes to a voucher, it may be worthless if the company goes out of business. Also, most travel insurers will not pay out for a cancelled trip when the travel company has a legal obligation to issue refunds.

You don’t have to accept vouchers but may have to claim your money back through your bank or the small claims court.

Under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act, a credit card issuer is jointly liable for purchases of £100 or over if the goods or services don’t materialis­e.

A voluntary scheme for debit card transactio­ns allows you to request a charge-back through your bank which, if successful, reverses the payment you made to the trader.

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