The Sunday Post (Newcastle)


Your future in the stars:

- With Jane Ridder-Patrick


With your emphasis on cooperativ­e activities with friends and like-minded people you should get some insights before the week is out about which groups you really belong to. Think twice before leaping into action midweek to avoid unexpected and possibly unwanted consequenc­es.


You’re not keen on being blocked in what you’ve set your heart on but if you hold back a bit and think carefully about what you’d like to achieve, especially in your career and more public life, you’re more likely to get what you want. Faith and trust can move mountains.


Some astute thinking is called for to get your viewpoint across now and you’re well able for it. Secrets may surface this week and if handled properly prove beneficial and healing for everyone. Honesty, trust and respect and letting go of what’s past are the best policies.


It’s an ideal week for serious discussion­s with those closest to you about shared responsibi­lities, finances and mutual support, if you keep it practical and don’t let things get too heavy or huffy. If you work together you can make great strides from Friday onwards.


You’re not likely to be short of opinions this week. But it’s best not let your enthusiasm run away with you or you could end up crossing verbal swords with someone you’re trying to convince. The full moon in your partnershi­p area throws light on issues that can be worked on.


Be sure to tackle any jobs that have been dragging on. Clearing the decks will boost your energy and free you up to do what really interests you. With Mercury joining the Sun in your inner life area from Wednesday taking frequent time out to rest, reflect and recuperate is called for.


If other people seem to be trying to challenge you now it’s best to get active rather than becoming over-nice to please them. They’re reflecting your frustratio­n at not being able to move something forward. Identifyin­g any hold-ups and finding ways to clear them will help.


You may have quite a balancing act to perform, juggling the demands, expectatio­ns and suggestion­s coming from your closest relationsh­ip as well as your community and domestic lives. Put any excess energy into something constructi­ve rather than squabbling.


Think carefully before taking financial risks as you may be tempted to over-reach. Someone cautious and experience­d could help keep you on the straight and narrow tomorrow. Dealing with everyday communicat­ions promptly will free you up for more exciting activities.


Tomorrow’s full moon could shine light on what resources and forms of comfort are essential for your wellbeing. You can make good progress at home now if you plan carefully then throw yourself into making things happen.


With the full moon in your sign and your ruler Uranus squaring up to it, you could be champing at the bit to spread your ideas and opinions. Others may be urging you either to go more slowly or to bite off more than you want to chew, but it’s best to stand your ground and go at your own pace.


You could have some important insights this week about the connection between your thoughts and your health and also whether some lifestyle habits need tweaking. Replacing negative attitudes with positive ones over the next month could boost your confidence and sense of well-being.

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