The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Christmas is long gone but I can’ t stop eating chocolates! I lack the will power to diet

Gran-of-eight Maggie Clayton is your agony aunt


Are you struggling in these uncertain times? Contact Maggie for advice

by emailing ps@sundaypost.


Dear Maggie

I was leaving a shop the other day after picking up some groceries, when I heard one of the cashiers making a comment about me to her colleague, saying: “That lady’s in here a lot, but I still don’t know her name”.

There were one or two customers in the store, so her colleague asked: “Which woman do you mean?”

“The one just leaving,” she replied. Then, to my horror, just as I was heading out the door, I heard her whisper: “The fatty one.”

Now I’ll admit I’m not exactly slim right now, but who is after Christmas? Those boxes of chocolates my relatives and friends gave me haven’t exactly helped.

Every January I start a diet to cope with the extra pounds that have taken up residence around my middle but this year with lockdown and long, empty hours to fill at home, has made it much harder.

So here I am again and my scales in the bathroom are telling me the brutal truth that I am nine pounds heavier than I should be. I know that ought to shame me into starting a chocolate-free-diet but this year I don’t have the willpower. Working from home because of lockdown doesn’t help. Maggie says

At this time of year you’re not alone with weight issues. The added problem this January is working from home - just a few steps away from the cake tin. So it’s no surprise that the numbers who join a slimming club reach record levels in January.

Over the years I’ve joined Weightwatc­hers, Slimming World and several others and for the first few weeks I stick to the regime and lose a few pounds and then I feel so pleased with myself that I sneak a chocolate biscuit here and a hazelnut whirl there. So this year I’m trying a different tactic. Working from home makes it possible to go for a brisk daily walk and I’ve discovered some lovely walks along the canal near my home.

I come home feeling pleased with myself, and have a tasty salad for lunch or some homemade soup. The cold makes me walk faster and I have lost weight already. I plan to stick to my new healthy eating plan combined with exercise and the treat I have promised myself is when lockdown is over I will go shopping and hopefully I will be several dress sizes smaller. Good


Dear Maggie

My boyfriend and I have been going out together for almost a year and so far he hasn’t introduced me to his friends or his family. I took him home to meet my parents and I think it’s strange that he hasn’t done the same. I have actually hinted several times about him taking me home and he didn’t take me up on it. Does this mean he doesn’t think our relationsh­ip will last?

Maggie says

I think you are reading too much into this. It may be that the more you “hint” about this issue, the more determined he will be to wait until he is ready to introduce you to his friends and family.

So just try to stop doing this and see if that works. If the relationsh­ip lasts, you will eventually meet his family, but I think it’s wise not to ‘hint’ at why he isn’t doing it. Just enjoy being together for now.

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