The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Is there a racist Royal? How can we know?



I’d be quite happy if we didn’t have a royal family at all, but it still seems harsh to accuse them of being racist on the basis of a second-hand account of a conversati­on with an unnamed person with no context at all.

Maybe asking “how dark” Meghan and Harry’s baby was as racist as it sounds but maybe it was said by someone hoping it would be darker rather than whiter to bolster the royals’ diversity credential­s? It’s the thing everyone is talking about from Oprah’s interview but without knowing who said it and how, it doesn’t mean a thing.

And don’t get me started on why we are talking about this and not Prince Andrew.

Lorraine Fergusson, Stirling

Top to bottom

As a Rangers fan, I am sick of seeing my club shoot itself in the foot.

How hard would it have been for them to come out on Saturday and Sunday and tell fans to celebrate, but stay at home? They might have gone out anyway but at least we’d be on the front foot. Instead we are, again, blaming everyone but ourselves. Protecting your image isn’t hard, good companies do it all the time, but it is apparently beyond us. Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

J Milne, Hamilton

Worthless claim

It is an insult to say that NHS workers have a vocation and are not in it for the money. Surely the same applies to ministers? So why are they paid so much while providing less value than workers in the NHS or other services? James Cameron McEwan, Dumfries

Absolute rubbish

Like many Glaswegian­s I recently received a letter from the City Council telling me green bins will now only be collected every three weeks. The city really needs to take a look at itself. It is a mess. We can be sure, however, that for two weeks in November, the road from the airport into town will be pristine for all these VIP visitors to COP26.

Those of us having to live here for the other 50 weeks in the year just have to accept we stay in a place resembling a landfill site. Andrew Russell, Glasgow

No cliff edge yet

After all the hyperbole about cliff edges, catastroph­es and disasters when we left the EU, it is reassuring to see the UK Government has secured enough vaccines for all of us and also that US tariffs on whisky have been lifted now we are out of the EU. As an ex “Remainer”, it’s so far, so good.

Allan Thompson, Glasgow

Save the crows

Your fascinatin­g article about corvids missed out a shocking fact about these intelligen­t birds.

In Scotland anyone can kill unlimited numbers of almost all members of the crow family. The General Licence scheme needs replaced with laws protecting birds instead of persecutin­g them.

John F Robins, Animal Concern

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