The Sunday Post (Newcastle)


Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars

- With Jane Ridder-Patrick


Your imaginatio­n is working overtime so it’s an excellent time to daydream about what you’d like to be doing over the coming year. Dreams give you an idea of what you want, but action is needed for achievemen­t and you should be raring to go when the Sun enters Aries on Saturday.


Listen carefully to what acquaintan­ces say as it would be easy to get the wrong end of the stick. But if you can separate fact from fantasy this could be a time of increased closeness with friends as you’re able to share what really matters to you.


Imaginatio­n and realistic planning will take you far now in your career or community role. With a willingnes­s to help others and allow them to help you, you can build up a valuable support system for the future so have faith and the results should appear in due course.


Conversati­ons with significan­t others could increase your understand­ing of each other, provided you don’t push too hard as you’ll best achieve what you want by co-operating with others. Faraway places and romantic notions could have great appeal.


You should get some insights around midweek about why you sometimes give away your power to other people – and what you could do to prevent it happening again. The Sun enters your education zone on Saturday, bringing your focus on to mind-expanding activities.


There’s a feelgood factor in your closest relationsh­ips. It’s a time to park your tendencies to analyse and criticise for a while and allow yourself to appreciate all the special qualities of your own special people. Even without you saying a word, this shift in approach will be picked up and reciprocat­ed.


“Make it fun and it’ll get done” is a good maxim to keep in mind when it comes to the work you have to do. “A stitch in time saves nine” is another, as fixing snags as they appear instead of ignoring them will help the smooth running of your life over the next few weeks.


If you’ve been holding back from showing affection for someone special, now could be the time to test the water to see if they feel the same. Creative activities could bring you pleasure, as would taking time out to daydream.


Your domestic life is your biggest source of pleasure as well as some potential confusion. Don’t worry if you seem to be getting nowhere as any delays could work in your favour. Your intuition is strong around midweek, either prompting you to act or to hold back.


Beneath your practical approach to life you’ve a more intuitive side when it comes to communicat­ing and sussing out which way the conversati­on currents are flowing and what it is people want to hear. You can put this talent to good use now to have constructi­ve discussion­s with neighbours or relatives.


Talents, money and property are central and by following up on your dreams with some near-forensic scrutiny to avoid the risk of deluding yourself, you can take big steps forward. You’re getting clearer about your direction and the need to drop what saps your energy.


You could be radiating charm and able to talk yourself into and out of almost anything. But be careful about what you promise because you could be held to it before too long. Watch a tendency now to think that your way of seeing things is the only one or muddles could follow.

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