The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Quick bite

Guylian Mother’s Day chocolate hazelnut swirls


Cooking time: 45 mins Makes: 8-12

You’ll need

For the dough:

● 50g butter

● 200ml hazelnut milk, or whole milk

● 500g strong bread flour, extra to dust

● 7g fastaction dried yeast

● 50g caster sugar

● 1 beaten egg

For the filling:

● 50g soft butter, plus extra to grease

● 4 tbsp light brown sugar

● 4 tbsp cocoa powder

● 2 tbsp ground hazelnuts

● 6 praline chocolate truffles

For the glaze:

● 50g caster sugar

● 3tbsp water

● 8-10 Guylian Sea Horses or Sea Shells


1. Melt the butter for the dough in a saucepan, remove from the heat and add milk. In a bowl, stir flour, yeast, caster sugar, salt. Make a well in the centre and add beaten egg and buttery milk. Mix to a soft dough, then knead for 10 minutes. When dough is smooth, pop in clean mixing bowl and cover with tea towel. Leave at room temperatur­e for two hours or until doubled in size.

2. For the filling, combine softened butter, hazelnuts, cocoa powder, and brown sugar, mixing to a spreadable chocolate paste. Chop praline truffles into small pieces.

3. Once dough has risen, roll out on a floured work surface. Spread with chocolate hazelnut mix, then sprinkle with chopped truffles.

4. Roll the dough rectangle up, pinching the seam closed. Trim off ends, then cut into 8-12 slices, Grease and line a baking tin with a little butter and add the dough slices. Cover with a tea towel and leave to prove for 45 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C, fan 160C, gas 4.

5. Brush buns with melted butter before baking for about 25 mins. Make the glaze by mixing water and sugar together in a pan over a high heat and simmering until the sugar has dissolved.

6. Brush buns with the sugar syrup when still warm. Finish off with a Guylian Sea Horse or Sea Shell on top.

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