The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Clubbing with Mr Motivator


How is your new online hub going?

It’s going well. We’re recognisin­g people are living longer and older people need to try and improve their independen­ce. One of the ways to do that is by having a good regime around you. That’s really my target now, to engage with older people who want something different.

The Club is all about making exercise accessible for different fitness levels. The fitness world can often be intimidati­ng, can’t it?

That’s something I’ve wanted to keep away from – that it must be all star jumps and burpees and running. The important thing with exercise is that you’re smiling – it doesn’t have to be putting your body through so much stress that it takes days to recover.

A lady who joined The Club asked if she could still benefit from just doing 12 minutes at a time. Of course! Go with it, give it a go. You might eventually think, “I feel really good, let me do another 12 minutes.” You’re more likely to do it if you have different opportunit­ies and types of exercise that fit into your life and where you are.

Mr Motivator has always been about the clothes, the music, the attitude, the smile and having fun, and I think that’s a recipe to get us to change our outlook on life. To realise it’s never too late, you can start right now.

You’re famous for your colourful outfits – what does all that bright colour mean for you?

When winter comes and it goes back into darkness, we start wearing dark, muted colours. And then when it’s summer, we start going brighter.

But I always think, that feeling you get when you wear bright colours – imagine if you got that all year-round? There’s no reason why you can’t; it’s only a question of wearing more layers.

The great American poet Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” – and

I try to make people feel good. Colours are all part of the picture of Mr Motivator. If I’d been on television just in black shorts and a white top, I would not be speaking with you today.

Log on to mrmotivato­ for a range of workouts from Hitt to Pilates, and expert advice on sensible eating and mental fitness.

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