The Sunday Post (Newcastle)


- With Jane Ridder-Patrick

Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars


Pay close attention to what you’re really feeling tomorrow. It could help avoid over-reactions later in the week. Friends may be telling you something you may not want to hear but being defensive isn’t helpful. They have your best interests at heart so being open to what they say may well benefit you.


You could have some insight about an issue that’s been making you uneasy and this should help you ditch anxiety. As the sun moves into your resources area on Thursday to join Venus and Mercury your time and attention could be increasing­ly taken up with financial matters.


The sun enters Gemini on Thursday boosting your vitality and your need to communicat­e. Your ability to sweet-talk folk and cheer up others also gets a lift so this could be a happy week for you. But just avoid going over the top at the weekend with promises you can’t keep.


Any concerns you’ve had about obstacles to reaching your goals or about a financial agreement should start to ease from midweek. The Sun’s entry into your most reclusive area marks your annual call to take regular time out before you birthday to rest and reflect on your life.


You can make the most of joint projects if you’ll tune into what’s right for everybody and don’t get side-tracked. Time spent on careful financial planning on Thursday should pay off and an old policy or possession you have could turn out to be more useful or valuable than you thought.


Although you tend to enjoy hard work you’ve probably been itching to break out of some of the heavy grind. You can get the best of both worlds as you’re In an ideal position to put your cards on the table and negotiate. Chances are you’ll get what you want.


You could become aware that there are still some big changes you’d like to make at home. It’s a good time to work out some realistic plans of how you could bring this about for there are more options around than you might think. Look out for something to celebrate at the weekend.


Be prepared for a discussion or an insight that forces you to confront a secret prejudice and let it go. Listen to your conscience midweek and you’ll find the right answer to a choice you have to make. A discussion on Thursday could bring more understand­ing with someone close.


Home truths can pack a powerful punch so it’s best to watch your words and use them wisely to help and not to hurt. Dealing with paperwork may be a bore now, but will be worth it if you’ll pay attention to details and do things properly. Partnershi­p offers fun at the weekend.


Don’t let yourself be driven crazy by distractio­ns when dealing with everyday tasks. Just follow the Capricorn rules and set goals, draw up a strategy and work to a timetable – and you’ll find you can achieve more than you imagined. Learning a new skill could prove rewarding now.


It’s time to turn your attention to your fun-loving creative self and make a commitment to finding a place for it in your everyday life. There should be plenty of opportunit­ies for trying out and testing what you gives you genuine pleasure even if it’s not other people’s cup of tea.


You’re much stronger and more supported than you think and are well able to deal with all life sends you so don’t let vague fears and fantasies get in the way of doing what you know is right. Your home and family can be a source of great pleasure and shared news over the coming month.

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