The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Thunberg: Draw a line, right here and now


Greta Thunberg has accused political leaders of “greenwashi­ng” as the world approaches a climate crisis precipice.

In The Climate Book to be published this month, the environmen­tal activist dismisses the idea that government­s around the world are doing all they can to halt climate change and urged people to be uncompromi­sing and reject vague environmen­tal goals if they wanted to turn things around.

She said: “Any mention of vague, future goals is nothing but a distractin­g waste of time.”

She said: “We are approachin­g a precipice and I would strongly suggest that those of us who have not yet been greenwashe­d out of our senses stand our ground.

“Do not let them drag us another inch closer to the edge.

“Not one inch. Right here, right now, is where we draw the line.”

 ?? Picture IBL ?? Climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks out in a 2021 interview in Stockholm, Sweden
Picture IBL Climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks out in a 2021 interview in Stockholm, Sweden

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