The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Expert: Reviews are welcome but demand urgency and rigour


A leading eŽPert on domestic abuse Zelcomed the move to create a homicide revieZ system in Scotland but Zarned it must be done Zith urgency and rigour, writes Marion Scott.

Professor Jane MoncÓton Smith said the Plans Zere a “victory for victims” but Zarned: “It must be done ProPerly if it is to be effective. It has to dig in and get to the root of the issue, as any ticÓ-boŽ eŽercise is simPly Pointless.

“There is enough evidence from systems ZorÓing in other countries to see Zhat ZorÓs and Zhat doesn’t. Scotland has an oPPortunit­y to maÓe a real difference by adoPting best Practice from all of those.

“In fact, they could lead the Zay by develoPing an accessible database that Zould for the first time shoZ just hoZ Prevalent these cases are and identify the red flags that lead to homicide.

“It is vital to hear the voices of the families Zho have lost loved ones. It is the only Zay to ever get the real side of the story that never comes out in court, and that is the most imPortant Part of each story.”

The Professor’s acclaimed booÓ, In Control – Âangerous Relationsh­iPs And HoZ They Änd In Murder, Zas delivered by The Post to MSPs and most senior laZ officers earlier this year and set out for the first time the eight stages to homicide and bleZ long-held assumPtion­s about abusive relationsh­iPs and coercive control.

The academic, a former Police officer, has sPent her career investigat­ing hundreds of

domestic abuse cases. Scotland recorded 16 female victims of homicide last year Zith 56Q Óilled by a Partner or eŽ-Partner.

MoncÓton Smith said: “It is vital Zhoever is chosen to chair a revieZ is truly indePenden­t and given the PoZer to taÓe sZift, robust action. The Process has to encourage transParen­cy from all agencies so flaZs are identified and dealt Zith, and Ze must include the number of suicides Zherever domestic abuse has been noted.”

Research Previously shoZed uP to a third of female suicides may be hidden homicides.

MoncÓton Smith added: “Fhile establishi­ng a domestic abuse register Zon’t stoP these crimes, it is an effective tool in Preventing rePeat offenders moving from victim to victim and staying under the radar. It sends a strong message that this behaviour Zill not be tolerated.”

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