The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

My first pint might have been almost an armful but I'll be back to give blood again


Laboratory-grown blood has been given to people for the first time in a ground-breaking clinical trial. The manufactur­ed cells were grown from stem cells from donors.

If it turns out to be safe and effective, it will revolution­ise the treatment of patients with sickle cell and rare blood types.

The scientists behind this research hope the lab-grown blood will last longer than donor blood, meaning people who rely on regular transfusio­ns won’t need as many.

However, they urge us all to remember they will still need plenty of the good red stuff from the general public.

Coincident­ly, I’d already booked to give blood last week after being shamed

by a phlebotomi­st on a recent hospital visit who was shocked I’d never donated.

So I rocked up to the Blood Donor Centre

in Edinburgh slightly nervous but ready (at last) to do my bit.

The staff were lovely and, once they’d reassured me they would remember to turn off the tap after a pint, it was plain sailing.

It’s humbling to think that we rely on this altruistic act to save so many lives and that so many people are willing to do it. The system works and I will be back.

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