The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Centres offer help, advice and friendship


There are two centres run by Sight Scotland Veterans for ex-servicemen and women with sight loss.

The Linburn Centre in West Lothian was the first, followed by the Hawkhead Centre in Renfrewshi­re, which opened five years ago. Both are activity hubs that bring veterans together.

With a variety of activities and outings and set in beautiful grounds, the centres offer the means and support to adapt to life with sight loss and try new things.

Many veterans who attend the centres say the things they do there and the connection­s they’ve made have transforme­d their lives.

The Linburn and Hawkhead centres are open to anyone who is a member of Sight Scotland Veterans. Joining is free and membership is open to anyone living with sight loss who has served in the Armed Forces.

The centres’ teams are dedicated to ensuring that veterans receive the support they need.

As well as art, IT and fitness, the centres facilitate drop-in sessions from other Sight Scotland Veterans teams.

For example, the rehabilita­tion team can provide support on how to adapt to life with sight loss, while the charity’s financial wellbeing lead can provide informatio­n on what financial support may be available to veterans.

If you, or someone close to you, has visual impairment or sight loss and has served in the Armed Forces (at any time in their career, for however long, including National Service), then Sight Scotland Veterans is there to help in many ways. Joining Sight Scotland Veterans is free. To find out more visit: sightscotl­andveteran­

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