The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Home or away, it’s horrible


Why does anyone bother to go abroad on holiday anymore? You need nerves of steel to navigate busy airports, delayed planes and breaks ruined by natural disasters. And now it seems you can’t even have a long lie because you have to get up at the crack of dawn to reserve your sunbed.

We’ve seen some shocking photos recently of holidaymak­ers rising with the sun to start queuing for a coveted place beside the pool. Some parents even send their kids ahead once the gates open, so they can sprint to the best spots and bag them with their beach towels. In what way is all this relaxing?

And why should I stay at home, because it’s said that if you live in a city, you’re never more than six feet away from a rat. That makes my blood run cold. But it seems residents in some areas of Glasgow are even closer to these revolting vermin.

People in Scotstoun say they live in fear as giant rats have taken over their back gardens. One woman said: “You get tiny ones, and you get the cat-sized ones. They come out night and day, even when we sit out.”

It’s long been a problem in the area, but has been exacerbate­d, locals say, by a now three-weekly bin collection­s. What a horrific situation.

The final of the Netball World Cup takes place today and if you haven’t watched any of this brilliant event, I urge you to tune in. It’s often seen as basketball’s poor relation, but it’s so much more than that. The rules are more restrictiv­e but it’s still fast paced and hugely watchable. It’s been really heartening to see the coverage this event and other major competitio­ns like the Tour De France Femmes and the FIFA Women’s World Cup have received this year. I saw someone tweeting that a taxi driver had said to her “Did you see the game last night?” and was delighted to discover he meant one of the women’s football games. Maybe we are making progress with women’s sport, let’s hope so.

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