The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

Em@il JURY

- Ronald James Elizabeth O’regan Lorna Smith

HM The Queen at my investitur­e at Buckingham Palace in 1991 following the Gulf War.

Richard Burton borrowed my pen to sign autographs outside the Old Vic in London. He had heavy dark make-up on and when he had cleaned it off there was a wee bit left by his ear. I was itching to remove it for him but at 19 I was too shy!

I met all four original members of Bucks Fizz in a nightclub in Brechin back in the 80s. My group had somehow managed to blag a spot in the VIP lounge and they came in after performing there.

Fiona Reid

Abba were in the Metal Bridge Hotel near Gretna on their way to a gig in their early days. They were unrecognis­able as pop stars, dressed in jeans and shirts and down to earth. Cameron McEwan

I met Tony Blair when he was PM. It was at an event in Downing Street for further and higher education, which I was involved in. The best part was walking through rooms I’d seen on Love Actually!

Morag Maich

I met actor Bill Murray when his chauffeur ran into the back of our council works van in St Andrews. Luckily, Bill was not in the car but at the cash machine at the time. His chauffeur was very embarrasse­d; he hit the accelerato­r instead of the brake.

Gary Hopton

I met Ken Dodd when he arrived in Cyprus to visit the British Forces. I then had to chase him into the passenger lounge to return my pen that he had used to sign my picture of him. He had dozens of pens in his coat. I also met Bruce Forsyth at a Miss World competitio­n. Both men were gentlemen.

Bill Bell

US Senator Dr SI Hayakawa. In 1977, I served as a Senate page, after being recommende­d by him. David Tulanian

I had my photo taken with Terry Wogan in Oxford Street when he was filming outside a store, I met Eddie Izzard in Brighton, I’ve met several footballer­s including Alan Shearer, and I know Ken Loach and Jeremy Corbyn.

Jim Malone

Keanu Reeves in Dundee Rep restaurant.

Jacqui Gauld

When I was at school in Cumbria, my English teacher was a theatre buff and we often had trips to Rosehill Theatre. With two friends, we went backstage for autographs. I still have all the autographe­d programmes with the signatures of Michael Crawford, Simon Ward, Robert Hardy and many others.

 ?? ?? Star Wars actor Ewan McGregor stunned staff at a new cafe in Edinburgh last week when he dropped in for a coffee. Who is the most famous person you have met and in what circumstan­ces?
Star Wars actor Ewan McGregor stunned staff at a new cafe in Edinburgh last week when he dropped in for a coffee. Who is the most famous person you have met and in what circumstan­ces?

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