The Sunday Post (Newcastle)

David Ferguson, 77, Clydebank


David was on holiday in Fuertevent­ura when his leg suddenly gave way under him.

He ended up in hospital abroad, all alone, as he waited to get a hip operation.

Luckily, he managed to get treatment and was back at his hotel after five days where he rested before making the trip home.

He’s now made a full recovery, but the experience was eye-opening.

He says: “Anything can happen when you’re on holiday. I ended up with a new hip when I was in Fuertevent­ura.”

Although David already had a Power of Attorney (POA) and Will in place, organised through ILAWS Scotland, both were out of date since getting divorced.

After having such a good experience working with ILAWS before, it was a no-brainer to ask for their expert help to update his legal documents.

David says: “ILAWS came and asked me all the relevant questions they needed to know, so I ended up with all the paperwork and my stepdaught­er got copies, too. They were very profession­al. I’m very happy with the service from them.

“It gives me confidence in case anything happens. My stepdaught­er is confident now, too.

“She came to the bank with me and she even phoned up ILAWS at one point to ask them some questions, and they couldn’t have been nicer.”

Now both David and his stepdaught­er have peace of mind knowing the documents are in place – and he would advise anyone else, especially those who share his love of travel, to do the same.

David explains: “Having a Power of Attorney makes you feel more secure when you’re on holiday, where anything could go wrong.

“I know my stepdaught­er will be able to arrange everything for me if something ever does happen.

“My experience with my hip hasn’t put me off holidays! I’ve been away three times this year already and I’m away again in a few weeks!”

 ?? ?? Photograph posed by models.
Photograph posed by models.

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