The Sunday Post (Newcastle)


Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars

- With JaneRider-Patrick


It’s important now to get the balance right between your wishes and those of others. Someone you’ve crossed swords with could help you to look at whether or not you’re being too heavy-handed. Don’t take on more work on Thursday than you’re sure you can handle properly in the time available to you.


There’s plenty of support at home now and you could sense that something in the family might be about to take a turn for the better in an unexpected way. But patience is the key here as things need to unfold in their own time. Enjoying a favourite hobby could energise you now.


An emotionall­y charged situation in the domestic area should sort itself out if you’ll avoid criticism, no matter how witty you try to make it. It’s a good week to catch up on your mail and phone calls as not only could it be enjoyable now, but some important matters may need attention.


Head-on confrontat­ion with relatives or trades people about issues you disagree on may be less effective than the softlysoft­ly approach now, so gently does it. There could be some lucky breaks in financial matters this week, but be ready to follow them up with a bit of shrewd planning and effort.


Don’t let yourself be pushed into investing time and money in projects you’re not entirely sure about. Make up your own mind about what to do and attend to details and you could be on to a winner. Exaggerati­ng could be a great temptation now, but over-confidence could lose you some credibilit­y.


Keep your attention on your intuition and your feet firmly on the ground this week. You’ve plenty of energy for pushing ahead with what’s most important to you and help could come from unexpected quarters. It’s time to review, then act on, any work that needs to be done to achieve your success.


It’s best to avoid getting churned up by old grievances this week. Avoid needless arguments, drop past negativity and pour your energy into something more constructi­ve, like lending a helping hand to others. You’ll be sowing the seeds of future benefits all round. Friends are especially encouragin­g on Thursday.


Friends and groups are a major theme this week and you’ve plenty to offer them now, including active help and advice. You’re first class at getting to the heart of any matter that feels a bit off, but be careful this week not to cut somebody to the quick with any overcritic­al remarks.


The attention at the moment is on your lifestyle so taking time to be clear about what you want to achieve and how to do this is time well spent. You’ve plenty of chances of winning friends and influencin­g people around midweek at work as well as making constructi­ve changes in your own situation.


You’ve been re-evaluating some of your beliefs and attitudes recently and your ideas could shift even further this week. It’s worth considerin­g the suggestion­s of others instead of dismissing them as impractica­l as they could open up some interestin­g and profitable avenues you hadn’t explored before.


Being honest with someone close around midweek could clear the air and bring you closer, provided you don’t assume that you’re more right than other people. There could be some interestin­g developmen­ts both at home and in a relationsh­ip now if you’ll keep an open mind about what’s possible.


Being appreciati­ve of others now will boost your confidence and produce positive results in the weeks to come, while criticism could create obstructio­ns for you, so think carefully before you speak. Being honest but kind with partners could lead to fun and laughter towards the weekend.

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